Untitled Document Modern Art, art, mobiles, stabiles, Calder, Miller, Eames, Knoll, Eichler's, modern ideas, mobile making, sculpture, design, futuristic modern architecture, interior design of the 60's, retro, mid century modern, modern retro furniture, hi tech devices, modern music, making music, used to collect 60's early 70's motorcycles, riding motorcycles (used to), working out at the gym, swimming, cooking / eating healthy organic foods, wanting a modern home with pool in California, to be positive in a negative world, speak up for the right of all people to be free, I am against all wars. I am for PEACE, LOVE, and protecting the EARTH!
People who appreciate fine art, creative genii, artists, architects, futuristic designers and mobile lovers.
Aerial Mobile by Julie Frith
New mobile video on YouTube!
Julie's Simplexus Mobile on TV
UPN Sex, Love & Secrets Oct.05
click for movie clip 644K
Requires Quicktime 7 to function
I also enjoy music by the Psyclones, Blackhouse (blackhouse1), Ladd-Frith, Pacific 231, Bowie, Bauhaus, Stranglers, Jeff Beck, Clash, Nirvana, Loop Guru, itzhak perlman, isaak stern, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Tchaikouski, Motzart, Eno, Cabaret Voltaire, Chick Corea, Copeland, Culture Clash, Devo, Electrocute, Flipper, Tuxedomoon, Float, Fu Manchu, Gary Panter, The Residence, Gentle Giant, Geza X, Iggy, Jah Wobble, Jurassic 5, Public Enemy, Kraftwerk, LKJ, Log, Ministry, Modern English, Mott, Orbitronik, Passport, Public Image, Renegade Soundwave, Roxy Music, Ruts, Scientist, Stump, Swell Maps, Talking Heads, U-Roy, Yello, Sin Men, Genesis, 10CC, noise, rock, rap, classical, electronic, jazz, art.