No one can touch Brevi. She is, in the deepest sense of the word, Untouchable. To say she was born and raised in any one certain place would seemingly just put her in a box to which she does not belong. There isn't a box that can contain this young woman. You cannot label Brevi an EmCee, B-Girl, Songstress "Hip Hopper" or any genre friendly phrase though she posseses distinct qualities of these entities. Brevi is more. Much more than anything you can imagine.Following the release of The BREVI One EP on iTunes, Brevi performed at LA's most prestine nightclubs such as The Viper Room, On The Rox and The Knitting Factory amoungst the numerous top venues in Los Angeles which got her recognized and written up in Vapors Magazine. Her distinct, melodic style and hard-hitting street swagger set her apart from the rest. To say Brevi is an EmCee would only be backing her into the endless corner of wanna be's and will-never be's. She is just a person. A very special person. An Artist. Anything Brevi does is dope. She is a perfectionist to the highest extent, in which some cases has held us back from being able to enjoy a certain percentage of her works as it comes very hard for her to let anything go that isn't as close to perfect as it can be. This is her blessing and curse. However, do not sleep.Rest assured, her skill and abilities remain intact and intensified during the current production of her new full length album - and her long awaited return to the public eye is all welcoming and highly anticipated. The music of Brevi is it's own sound and is respected as such by all walks of life. With every track, she will keep you wanting more just to be able to tap into the mind and creativity of Brevi. She is more, much more than anything you've ever heard. No bullshit. Just Brevi.
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