Richard Sala profile picture

Richard Sala

I should probably get out more.

About Me

I draw and I write. I've put out a bunch of books. I have a website:

My Interests

drawing, dreams, old comic strips, folk tales, urban legends, museums, libraries, librarians, coffee, paranoia, expressionism, children's art, life after d-i-v-o-r-c-e, night time, film noir, horror movies, the unconscious, analysis, the absurd, the surreal, the inexplicable, the unknown ... I'm a fun guy!

I'd like to meet:

Fellow travelers...children of the night...students of the obscure, the forgotten and the debased... old friends I've lost touch with... non-bitter creative types...


the groovy, the trippy and the psychedelic
spooky surf music
spaghetti western soundtracks
late 1960s British Invasion bands
dylanesque 1960s folk music
Kinks, Move...
Ramones, Television...
Velvet Underground,
Love, Roky Erickson
Commadore Condello's Salt River Navy Band,
Noel Harrison, Gene Clark...
Leonard Cohen...
Sandy Denny, Kate Rusby...
Nancy & Lee, Richard & Linda,
Mitch & Micki, 4 Jacks & a Jill...
I have a soft spot for earnest, non-corny female folk singers because they remind me that I used to have a heart.
Most anything referred to as "beatle-esque" especially if that means backwards guitars!
spy movie music
"Blues Theme" (from The Wild Angels)
by Davie Allan and the Arrows!!


Alfred Hitchcock, Mario Bava, Dario Argento,
Orson Welles, Kubrick,
Night of the Hunter,
film noir, Kiss Me Deadly,
Stranger on the Third Floor,
Peter Lorre, Bela Lugosi,
horror movies, silent movies,
James Whale, Louise Brooks,
Eyes Without A Face,
Blood and Roses
Bad Ronald, The Loved One,
Groovy 1960s movies,
AIP, Toby Dammit,10th Victim
Polanski, Vadim
Black Moon, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Point Blank, Peckinpah
World of Henry Orient,
Ghost World, Mulholland Drive,
Christopher Guest movies,
Vincent Price, Lon Chaney, Anthony Perkins, Oliver Reed, Lee Marvin...
Klaus Kinski,Roddy MacDowell, Tuesday Weld...Robert Morse!
Mimsy Farmer, Tippy Walker, Soledad Mirand
I can watch just about anything on TCM -
or as a friend of mine in the
movie-biz said,
"Oh, you're into has-beens"...
That's not quite how I would have put it,
but, oh well...
What else?...recently I really liked Kill Bill v.1&2...Inland Empire freaked me out!(in a good way, I think!)


Monster Chiller Horror Theatre,
Mr. Show, The Newsroom,
Look Around You,
The Office,
Twin Peaks, Freaks and Geeks,
Strangers With Candy...
Sarah Silverman!
I can always watch old episodes of The Outer Limits and The Avengers -- and (especially!) Batman with Adam West... Note to all the "I don't watch a lot of TV" folks: Who does? Just watch the shows you like!


A Universal History of Infamy,
The Man Who Was Thursday,
The Red Right Hand,
Dagger of the Mind,
Bad Ronald,
The Death Ship,The Big Clock,
Nightmare of Ecstasy,
The Juniper Tree and Other Tales by Grimm,
Une Semaine De Bonte,
The Outer Dark
The Shrinking of Treehorn...
Everything by Kafka,
everything by Salinger & Flannery O'Connor...Vonnegut...
random cheap groovy paperbacks...
Sad biographies about sad lives
Every five years or so I read all the Lovecraft I can
until I'm scared out of my mind!


Charles Addams, Dr. Seuss, Edward Gorey, Alfred Hitchcock, Louise Brooks, Bela Lugosi, Franz Kafka, Wallace and Ladmo, FJA, Chester Gould, Paul Blaisdell, Captain Haddock, WC Fields, Buster Keaton...