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Rocky Horror,Star Wars,computers and video games, watching tv and movies,DIY...well I am a Handyman!!!, playing guitar, animals, Battle of Flowers (local floral carnival with decorated floats!) charity work.
George Lucas for making a wonderfull childhood that still continues lol, Ricard O' Brien of Rocky Horror and Shock Treatment fame, I'd love to see if he can still do the Time Warp today, Jessica need to ask why :D.............
country music, some pop and rock, Abba, 50's, 60's, folk, humourous songs****
Star Wars (all 6 films!), Rocky Horror show,Phonebooth...brings a whole new meaning to rifling through the phone book!, Saw,the Carry On films, American Pie series,Sleepless in Seattle...anything with Meg Ryan can't be bad, The Money Pit, Grease...
What Rocky Horror Cast Prop or Costume Piece are you?
You Are Janet's Corset!You like to squeeze the breasts firmly and wrap yourself around the upper-body. Your into tight-fitting and revealing clothing. But you like to dress mostly in black. You play innocent, but when it comes down to it, your right in there with the rest of the sluts..haha..
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24 (Jack...I salute you sir!!!), Will & Grace, Friends, Stargate, Enterprise, Andromeda,The Simpsons
science fiction, comedy, fantasy,
Homer Simpson- a man I aspire to become!!!! DOH!...
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