I swear loads and talk random shit..
..yeah that sums me up.
♥My mum (my favourite person ever!)
♥Beer (its amaazin)
♥ Partying
♥ Pippa's advice (also amaaazin)
♥ Fashion
♥ Fake Tan
♥ Malibu and Lemonade
♥ Make Up
♥ Hair Extensions
♥ Nail Extensions
♥ Lash Extensions
♥ The Colour Pink
♥ Nights Out
♥ Going To Gigs
♥ Having a Giggle
♥ Shopping
♥ Music
♥ Dancing
♥ Talking
♥ Sleeping
♥ Perfume
♥ Shoes
♥ Bags
♥ Harry Potter
♥ My New Fringe
♥ Anything Retro
♥ Vintage Band T-Shirts
♥ Serge Pizzorno
♥ Noel Fielding
♥ Pop Levi
♥ Jared Followhill
♥ Maltesers
♥ Festivals
♥ Randomness
♥ Coca Cola in a can
♥ Jewellery (cheap n nasty stuff though)
♥ Good patter
♥ Laughing at the hilarious random shit on Photobucket
♥ Fuckin about on this
♥ Irn Bru
♥ Being on my mobile, im ALWAYS on it ~ its surgically attached to me!
♥ Clingy fellas, it's scary, man!
♥ Pervy Fellas (its sad!)
♥ Friends you cant trust
♥ Liars
♥ Cheats
♥ Shit music
♥ Wankers
♥ Stalkers
♥ People trying to take the piss
♥ My mum when shes pissed off with me..
♥ Gigs which sell out before i get a ticket
♥ Being sick
♥ Rain
♥ People who judge other people
♥ Goofy
♥ Having no money and cant go out and play
♥ People who add you on myspace so they have 900 million friends (why??)
♥ Plain chocolate
♥ Milk
♥ Potatoes
♥ Much roughness on a monday after partying solid all weekend
♥ Chick Flicks
♥ Being disappointed or when someone disappoints me
♥ Animals with human like mannerisms wearing clothes (think wind in the willows or the foxy bingo fox..eugh!)
♥ Serge Pizzorno Lookalike Exes (i have my reasons ~ the one i had was a tosser!)
The more that you follow me
The more I get lost
You think that you know me
You're pissing me off
Yeah, you said that you love me
Why don't you fuck off?
Anyone who think that you own me
You're ripping me off
I messed my head and I messed my head
How happy would I be
To shine fire upon, everyone and no one
I Messed my head and I messed my head
How happy would I be
To shine fire upon, everyone and no one