Pastor Charles L. King III profile picture

Pastor Charles L. King III

The ability to grow is great when you find yourself growing in the direction of the SON. Vegetation

About Me

I'm a regular guy, a son, a brother, a father, a pastor, and most important a child of God. I feel so refreshed in my life, for the first time in a long time, I feel like a new man. Life has a way of beating you down if you let life overwhelm you. My life is great and I’m blessed beyond measure. I have learned to focus on the good on this journey and I know that God has been better than good even when things have gone wrong. I love to give God praise through my life, the way that I live and the way that I carry myself. This is what speakes for me some people say a lot, but the way you live says way more than words. I try to find the best in each person and that really requires me to be child like in many ways. I try not to hold on to any thing that’s not positive energy for my life. Not that I forget the things that have gone wrong or the areas that I failed in, but I hold the knowledge that I gather from each experience. Every failure in my life is just a blessing that has been delayed. Your past is one of the best teachers for your future. My relationship with God is getting to the place where he wants me to be. I strive for a real connection so I can hear his voice and he can commun with me. The enemies’ job is to try to distract you and get you off track but never let go of God. In spite of losing many things and going through trials and test I have a sense or knowledge that I will succeed in Christ. I love all people, and the more that I befriend people that are different from me the more I gain. My desire is for people to see and feel God in me on my job, and in my life, even when I’m just kicking back with the boys. I want people to notice the difference. I want to make an impact on this world one person at a time. I thank God for allowing me to go through what I’ve gone through because it has prepared me for my awesome destiny. In my professional life I take joy in working for one of the largest music stores in the world Woodwind & Brasswind. (WWBW.COM) I do the best that I can to assist musicians, and the entire music community striving for perfection at what they do. I work in a special area that directly works with churches. Although I will assist anyone and I offer very fair pricing. For Woodwind & Brasswind I can be reached at 800-348-5003 EXT. 2451

My Interests

Ministry, Music, & Music ProductionI run a studio for Greater St. Matthew Church. This studio is set up for live recording, video production, and studio sessions. I'm one of the Associate Pastors at GSMC, and also a worship leaders. I really love giving God glory. I really love my ministy and working within my Church. I could truly do this for the rest of my life and it wouldnt be long enough. I also write Gospel music and God is opening doors for my music. Church Studio 574-232-3290

I'd like to meet:

I really want to meet the people that really love God, and the people that really love others. Not so much religious people, but people that have a true relationship with God. I just really love real people even if they don’t fit into the world’s standards. The people that I want to meet are people that are happy in their skin even if their not perfect. REAL PEOPLE that arent trying to be something that their not. If you really have a real dose of life you know a real person that is true in action and word. Finding these people will require you to open you eyes to a new light being lead by God.


Gospel Music, Love Music, & Music That Causes Change


The Golden Child, Brown Sugar, Life, and The Passion Of Christ.


Martin, The Word Network, and HGTV.


The Measure Of A Man, The Church Unleashed, More Than A Carpenter, and THE BIBLE!!!


Jesus, My Parents, & My Son, Jesus is my real hero and what I'm shotting for. I'm sure that you have heard this before but I love him because he was so diffrent and radical. He wasnt a great church member but he established the church in many lives. He picked people that no one eles would have picked. Jesus went many places that most church members may not go. I love him so much because he was diffrent and operated in true love.

My Blog

Dont Let Anyone Take You Out Of Character

Don't Let Anyone Take You Out Of Character   As I'm writing this blog even at this place in my life I have to look a little deeper into myself.  When you go through life transitio...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 05:20:00 PST

Soul Ties

"SOUL TIES" Soul ties are exactly what they sound like. They are ties from one person's soul to or into another person's soul.  As you are aware, man is made up of three parts: Body, Soul and Spi...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 02:18:00 PST

Real Talk About Fornication

FORNICATION? 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 & 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? k...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 01:06:00 PST

Falling In Love?

Falling In Love?   That statement alone, falling in love is not a good observation or a descriptive definition of what realistic love is.  Erotic love is based on feelings or chemistry that...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 04:02:00 PST

My personal apology to women!!!

My personal apology to women!!!   I've been lead to write this blog and there isn't any better time than now.  Looking back over my life and thinking how I tainted women on various levels ...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 04:17:00 PST

Old School Church -Vs- New School Church

Old School Church VS- New School Church   It's pretty easy to see for anyone thirty and above that the modern charismatic church has made some drastic changes.  I don't think all of those ...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 09:38:00 PST

Why Do Women Leave Good Men?

Good Men Suffering With the Bad!!!  Why Do Women Leave Good Men? Wow, I have to add my input on this blog and repost this one this is just way too real to let this one pass by.  We see a l...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:13:00 PST

The Christian Single Life!

It is the Lord's will for us to have a mate if we really desire one. In the beginning when God created Adam, God made this statement: It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a he...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:48:00 PST

The Pain Of Being Man!!!

The Pain Of Being MAN!!!Definition:1. unpleasant physical sensation: the acutely unpleasant physical discomfort experienced by somebody who is violently struck, injured, or ill cried out in pain2. fe...
Posted by Pastor Charles L. King III on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:25:00 PST