My name is Tim Balajadia. I was born and raised on Guahan.I have started writing/composing/ and performing original musicsince 2001. Most people played cover songs on Guam, USA andI wanted to listen to something better and new. So I'd spendmy days writing lyrics and coming up with different chords.Music is Natural to me. I am very specific with my techniquesof song. Everyday, a song. Maybe two or three. Until music wassecond nature. I have to breathe, eat, sleep, and play originals.After arriving in San Francisco straight from Guam, USA. Idecided to leave my setlist with Guam and start from scratchwith new experiences, friends, and inspiration to influence mymusic. Influences would broaden all my expectations for mydirection of music, leading me to truely search within myselfwhile trying other's shoes on. Leaving all that is familiar, set arush of emotions (sometimes all at once). As a songwritter, I tryto be tuned to each emotion, emotions like..Love, Growth,Hate, Pain.. Instead of running away like most people would tryto, I allowed it to sink in and treaded in it. With this intent I couldcompose an write on a new level..Not better than or lessthan..just new. (90% of my music is freeflowed ;) Thanks foryour ears!
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