I'd like to meet:
Masters of the universe.
Positive, soulful, rhythmic,devotional,roots world music its all world music from my view.
So little of what goes onto film is worth the environmental and social impact it creates. I love timeless films that cross all boundries and can be enjoyed equally by children and adults alike. Latcho drom, children of heavan, born into brothels, freestyling, mi Familia, rivers and tides, brother sun sister moon. and mafia flicks.
no network or cable at mi casa. i did rent all of the sopranos and west wing from beginning to end.thats the way to watch tv.
Siting up my teachers:Buddha,Srila Prabhupad, Bill Mollison, M.L.K, Ghandi ji, Lama mt, Ute Mt, Mt Waialale, Mt.Shasta, Paramhansa Yogananda, Jim morrison, R.J. Hampton, the Dine Hopi Rez, Murshida vera corda, Rudolf Steiner,Dr. Jon Todd, Gabiel howearth, Richard peccorraro, Emigdio Ballon, Peter Christ, Tim Leary, The Grateful Dead,Viktoas Kuvinskas, Jake the snake Mckean, Naomi Lake, The rainbow family of living light, george Hadley, Phillip Young, Dr Alan Kapular, roots'n'herbs farm possy, Bob Dylan/Marley,Lisa, Ceara, Uma rose, and Faye Faye, Satya hare das, Sivananda, Swami Vishnu devananda, Brooke Dillon, Steve Brothers,Amrit Ananda Mayi, Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass, My mom, My sister Casey.