"Ghosts . . . and More"
Spectacular Two-Week Season at the Ailey Citigroup Theater
October 8-19
Details: www.timelapsedance.com
I am the Artistic Director of Jody Sperling/Time Lapse Dance, Inc. which is a non-profit dance company dedicated to exploring the intersections of historical and contemporary genres.My specialty is reinterpreting the art of Loie Fuller, who made these absolutely amazing, multi-media, spectacles from moving fabric, light and motion from the 1890s through the 1920s. She danced in enormous silk costumes and used specially-engineered lighting to illuminate the spiraling sculptural forms she created as she swirled. She totally rocked the Art Nouveau scene in Paris and was a huge celeb!My other choreography draws on motifs from circus and old music hall. My personal movement is very bendy and involves twisted, almost acrobatic partnering. I love early movies of stage performers and how they were so shameless about showing off tricks.I'm also very into hooping. I love to hoop and teach hooping workshops (as well as teaching dance, choreography, writing, and doing a lot of lectures about Loie.)check out: www.timelapsedance.com for info & events-Jody Sperling