Theater (both watching and performing in), fantasy, history, bicycling, vegetarian cooking, movies, human rights, writing fiction, travel, zoos.
Perhaps when I find her I'll know.
Beatles, Melissa Etheridge, Gilbert and Sullivan, Sophie Hawkins, Carly Simon, Alan Parsons Project, Billy Joel, musicals, Motown.
Casablanca, Citizen Kane, good SF, bad SF, film noir, Blazing Saddles, Miyazaki films, Hammer horror, Monty Python, Court Jester
Buffy, 24, Justice League Unlimited (and any Dini/Timm show), Dr. Who, Heroes, The Prisoner, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist
Arthur Conan Doyle, Fritz Leiber, P.G. Wodehouse, Lewis Caroll, HP Lovecraft, Diana Wynne Jones, Gardner Fox, Steve Englehart, Jorge Luis Borges, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lester Dent, L. Frank Baum, any kind of history.
Civil rights activists, human-rights activists, Martin Luther King, the Flash, Robin Hood, the Dalai Lama, the Founding Fathers, Vaclav Havel, mythological trickster-figures, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, Shirin Ebadi, Adam Strange.