I'd like to meet:
Hello World. I am Josh Lapray. And this is my profile.
This is the section that no one really likes to read, and originally I was just going to omit the "about me" and let my 100 random photos entertain you (p.s. I'm sorry if you have an old/slow/broken computer and you can't see my slideshow, you'll just have to pretend you can see all my goofy pictures). Anyway, since I won't be here, you will no longer be able to send me a comment that says "hey, what’s going on?" (Well, you still can, but I won't answer for 2 years). So go ahead and read along if you like. This is what's going on.
Hmm. I'm not quite sure where to start. Well, I am a pilot now. I got my license in 2006. That was really exciting. Flying makes me a happy man. On 06.06.06 I graduated from Bingham. That didn't seem like such a big deal, but I'm glad I did, now that I look back on it. And to tell you the truth I have no idea what's coming next in the career/education side of things; however, I do have plenty of ideas. I'm really into snowboarding, it's my favorite way to just go outside and enjoy myself. I've been riding freestyle competitively for a while. I've been in two slopestyle competitions and an invitational rail-jam. I've de-laminated my Burton and I snapped my Nitro in half, I go through boards pretty quickly I guess. The crew I ride with is seriously rad. Everyday I'm seeing something sick getting thrown down by someone. The kids I hangout with on the weekends don't ride, but they are just as awesome. It's like I lead two separate lives. I guess I'm just like a superhero, only cooler. I'm addicted to photography, film and design now. Making things aesthetically pleasing is what gets my little brain going. I'm pretty opinionated and critical when it comes to graphic aesthetics, especially on myself. Ryan and I started Apparatus not too long ago. It was a clothing company thing we had going for a while, we made some good money, but I'm pretty sure we spent most of it at McDonalds and The Pie with all of the "business meetings" we had at least a few times a week. For now Apparatus is hibernating while I leave the world, but who knows what will happen when I get back. I am now un-employed! Technically... I've liked work for the most part. Being a manager, a lifeguard and an office guy has been somewhat of a nice variety for me. I've met some awesome people over the past couple of years and I intend on continuing to do so for a while. I used to be somewhat of a shy and nervous person but I’ve evolved into a more mellow, sociable and outgoing type. And when I say "outgoing" I don't mean it like those hyper-active won't-stop-talking kinds of people. I mean outgoing as in I like to go out and do stuff, stuff that other people don't. I can no longer play videogames. Weird. As a child I would play a lot, but unless I'm playing a bunch of friends, they drive me crazy. I like music a lot. I'm not going to say "music is my life!" because it's not. Kids that say that are lame, and they are not musicians. For me, music is an art form I can enjoy while I drive, or while I'm doing more important things. Or I can just sit and chill and listen. I also like to have intelligent conversations with people over a nice hot cheese pull-a-part at The Pie. Science, religion, philosophy, mathematics, and art tend to fascinate me. But I'm also a big fan of regular teenage dirtbag stuff like driving way too fast, skateboarding, sneaking into places, hanging out with pretty girls, playing music way too loud, acting like an idiot and such. I would explain more about that stuff, but it's far less interesting to read about, go read someone else’s profile for those stories. Anyway you all know me pretty well. And for those of you that don't? Too bad, I'm gone, you missed out. Speaking of which, since you can't "MySpace me" anymore your going to have to email me, or write me letters. Packages are preferred, but anything will do. Please skip buying yourself a HappyMeal one day, and use that money to send me something cool. Especially some pictures.
Actually what you should do is get on the computer and record yourself an audio message to send me. Don't write, just talk to me. Then take that and a few "mission-appropriate" songs and make me a mix cd with music and voice notes. All mixed up. Then stick that in an envelope along with a bunch of photos of you and some friends and send them to me. Seriously that would be the coolest thing ever, and it'd cost less than 2 bucks. You would seriously make my day. I promise i'll mail you some super weird cheese or something else in return. But really do it. A few times if you could. I can't think of anything else that would make me more happy. Anyway, here's the address you're all looking for:
My address is:
Josh Lapray
4 Rue Alaric II
Compans Caffarelli
F - 31000 Toulouse
Tél: 33-5-6227-7860
If you ever have any questions on my current address you can just call my Mom, she'll probably know.
It's 253-2066
Caitlin will add my new addresses as they come along. So you'll never have a excuse to not fill me with your life. I also think you can send me mail on this website , if you are too lazy to get out of your chair and lick a stamp... I'm not sure how to do the website, but you're all smart kids. You can figure it out.
Oh and I found out that I can post to my blog through email, and since I can use email (and not MySpace) in France, you should spend your time reading that, not this profile since this profile will be the exact same for 2 years. So if you're wondering how I'm doing, or what my France address is you can just click the blog link and find out. Lucky you. And like I said earlier - Send me some pictures and packages. Pretty please.
Well I wish you all well. You won't be having as much fun as me, but hey, at least you tried, right? I'll see you all again shortly. Some people I know wish it would be sooner. You'll just have to be patient. So until I see you again. Take care.
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J'aime voir n'importe quel film au cinéma avec une fille
Je n'aime pas la télévision
Wordless Diagrams, et Found autrement je lis habituellement Frequency Magasin.
Howard Hughes, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong, Ryan Chai, Anne Flore Marxer, Romain de Marchi, Johnny Whitney, James Bond, Bobby Powers, but most of all Sammy is my hero, for hacking MySpace :)