No One Off of Myspace.
Dont ask
We meet accidental
You and The Kid Looking over Your Shoulder
What is music?
* an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner*
*any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds*
Music is an art, entertainment, or other human activity that involves organized and audible sound, though definitions may vary.*
*organised sound*
*The organization of sounds with some degree of rhythm, melody, and harmony.*
" Music is both an art and a craft, based on acoustic principles, yet subject to various interpretations, hence its artistic merit. Because of this, we study the craft so that we might better appreciate the art expressed in music.*
Organized sound; the written-down representation of those sounds.*
The music of the Greeks did not signify merely the harmony of sounds, but actually imbodied the idea of inner harmony of the spirit, the becoming at one with the spirit of the Muses, so that the soul responded in harmonic rhythm to the beat of universal harmony. ...*
To orchestrate. To arrange for a specific instrument.*
Broadly speaking, sounds organized to express a wide variety of human emotions.*
Music to me...
What is life? We breathe Air. We see the world around us. We think what we perceive. We touch what we feel. And we Hear Music. Wind? Music? Would you think or take your parents screaming voice as music? when you would take a hXc screamer and consider that so. Organized? The world manipulates, bends, twists everything. Every person attempting to stand out, make a place. Music is a passion. Why not make it yours? Sound is what we hear, Music is what we love.
My music is mine. Yours is yours. Music to me is one of my passions, it is one of the reasons I live. I may listen to your music and hate it, but we all have our opinions.
Some people talk about sports, cars, hair, makeup music is one of the things I talk about.
* A definition of music would seem to be necessary, but I will not attempt such a maneuver. However, it is enlightening to discuss problems one might encounter in constructing such a definition.
*A source of entertainment.
I am not picky when it comes to movies.
action, comedy, horror, Drama. Have I covered the bases?
Movies and television are a source of entertainment. In the "great depression" people would go to movies to escape. To live a different reality. To forget. Isnt that what we are doing when we watch a movie? Forgetting the present, our problems, what we have to do?
amazing really how much those 2 hours impact us... we feel, we cry, we laugh, we cringe.
Now amplify what we see in a movie by 10 and that is probably the book. (see books)
So did you amplify it? Books are so much more exact... You may in movies visually see the desk, the girls hair. but isnt it imagination who makes us who we are? Even though books tend to be more time consuming, and more "difficult" but when you compare a book and a movie that are of the same story and plot... which have you personally thought was better?
Books are amazing. and you can learn a hell of a lot.