Francis profile picture


assumption kills everything

About Me

what does this matter if people cant believe u for who u r I don't portray myself to be someone im not. Basically I'm me, an assumption of me tells me your blind to most things in life.....

My Interests

UrBan grAfFiti Art, uRban toYs, aNimE, faShiOn, VinTaGe shOpPinG, uNiqUe eXpeRimEntAl hAiRstYles, cUttiNg hAiR, taToOs, piErCinGs, cReAtiviTy, fiXiNg thInGs, BonSai tReEs, aPprecIatiNG naTuRe, oBseRviNg peOple, koI fiSh, rEef TaNks, sNoWboArdiNg, bAskeTbalL, sTatE oF tHe aRt teChnoLoGy, groOviNg tO hoUsE mUsiC, trAveLinG, eXploRinG nEw tHinGs n plAcEs, nEw cHalLenGes, suShi, tRiEd vEgeTeRian n aCtuLlY lIkeD iT, cUdDliNg, sPoOniNg, rOmAnTic niGhTs n loNg walKs, sEx, bEinG laZy, sTar gAziNg....

I'd like to meet:

shouldn't this be who i wouldn't like to meet


2 mUch 2 meNsiOn sO baSicaLlY I liKe DeEp, vOcAl, jazZY, fuNky buT nOt 2 fuNky, sOulFul HoUse mUsiC, 2 sTeP gAraGe, eXpeRimEnTaL, uNdeRGroUnD & oLdsKeWl HiPhoP, aLteRnAtiVe, iNdie, pUnK, clAsSic rOcK, soMe mEtal, luV nEw wAve 80's, n yA do luV sLoW jAmMie JaMs 2 haHA....


GoDfaThEr, sCaRfAce, kIlL BiLl, sTaR wArs, cITy oF gOd, rEqUieM foR a dReaM, HeRO, BrUce LeE mOviEs, 8o'S MoVies, dIsNeY mOviEs liSt gOeS oN..


DoN't wAtCh tOO mUch aNyMoRe cAuSe I wOrK fUlLtImE n gO 2 skOoL buT iF I do iTs sMalLville, thAt 7o'S sHoW, i loVe luCy reRunS, ThreEs cO. anYthiNg oN TvlAnd, vIva lA baM, mTv, diScoVerY cH., hIsToRy cH., aNimAL pLaNet, SpikE tV, mXc, diSneY cH., niCk aT nItE, fAmIlY...


Bruce Lee