[email protected]
well Born in England in a small town called Rotherham, not much to see here started Skateboarding when i was 13, people think it's dangerous it IS but how ya get better unless you push ya self, but wot is a bit of a pain is wen people judge you for doing somethin you truly enjoy.
I'm also a Fully qualified I.T technician (computers basically) and i'm a trainee website designer, I work full time as well for Ventura, i've worked there for 2 years as and then moved over to the sainsburys department and its great.Like to listen to alotta music or if there is sumthin on a skate vid music wise, like Drinkin ALOT lol,if i got time for it that is, i don't diss many people coz basically they are who they wanna be so i get along wi most people i meet, currently single
(jus enjoyin life nah).
Hang around with mi m8's that i've know since comp, Broken mi leg before i broke my fibia, ankle and fractured my heel in 3 places, fractured right index finger, boke right hand, dislocated mi knee, knocked mi self out a few times lol and alot more but i'm still here i'm livin it still gettin a batterin but thats skating for ya. I've Known Ron Callow since i wo 7 he's pro nah.
Usually the tricks i do are technical, sum not so tech (like old skool) but it's gud to be able to have a bit of evrything under ya belt wen it comes to skatin, wen i put mi mind to it i can shred in the past i've nailed tricks on the stupidest things. But my fave trick has gotta be wallrides/wallies wen i learned em i learned how to pole jam so they help each other out lol.
The people who i do owe alot to are my bezzie's such as Tom, joe, downs, tay, daz, craig, ethan, sam, Matt, Jebson (jus too many friends sorry if miss you) ye they wo the ones who have taught me alot not jus in skatin but how to be a gud mate, if it wernt for most o them i wudn't hav even learned or even thought of doin some of the things i do now like learnin to play a Bass Guitar or learnin to drop in on mini ramps & quarters, tre flips. evrythin i mainly do now is thanx to them.and..............SUPPORT BRITISH SKATEBOARD COMPANIES
currently learnin how to edit, take photo's and design websites in the hopes of workin in with skating lol.
so partyin and enjoyin mi self is basically my life at the mo thanx for readin peace out yo.