Ade profile picture


It's not me, it's you. Can I have custody of the hamster?

About Me

Yeah, I'm down here. No jokes about the height. *clears throat* Me? I couldn't possibly talk about myself. I'm not self obsessed or anything. Oh go on then, from the beginning.I'm doing a film directing course at the moment at City University alongside intensive gym and working full time so I'm kinda busy atm..I was born in 1983 in West London as I was being born an earthquake struck the hospital and fireballs were spotted running along the ground in Cricklewood. ('tis true) An omen maybe to signal the birth of a hero? My parents? One was a Londoner and one was East-European Welsh, they gasped at the miracle they'd produced and immedietly split up.I was brought up in North London, and quickly became a hero amongst the all the other wannabe toddlers. (I was in something at the Tricycle, Kilburn you know?)At nine months I uttered my first sentence. By 11 months I'd translated Great Expectations from English to Czech..(Ok I'm getting carried away here, it was Pippi Longstocking) By 2 and a half I had 15 best sellers under my nappy. Anyway...25, I live in the East End(and no it isn't like that stupid TV soap, you know the one, yes, that one, the one that refused me a role, it was just spite, Peggy couldn't cope with working with a star of my magitude) I work for a media company (Current Affairs) in the City, I'm pretty wealthy, short but good looking, I've travelled loads all over Europe, mostly Scandinavia. I'm totally obsessed with Norway. (The best country on the planet) I eat lots of Italian food, I have phobias of: Snakes, Welsh people and Garden Gnomes and I like retro games like Street Fighter 2.

About me

Wann bist du heute aufgestanden? I..'m sorry, I don..'t speak German
Was ist deine Lieblingsband? Never heard of them
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? Who..'s Deine?
Wie viele Leute hast du diese Woche scho geküsst? No idea but it sounds rude
Wäre küssen für dich fremdgehen? Fur? no it..'s cruel
One Night Stand, ja oder nein? Oh go on then, send me a message first
Bist du grade verliebt? Grade for what?
Was ist das beste an dieser Woche? Haven..'t you asked this? What..'s a Woche anyway?
Was hälst du von Punks? Nothing against them
und wie siehts mit Emos aus? Or them
Was ißt du am liebsten? Or even them
Würdest du dich als dick bezeichen? I beg your pardon??
Nenne 3 Talent die du hast. Talents? Umm deciphering German?
Wie lange wa deine längste Beziehung? Uhem. Thank you.
MSN oder ICQ? Don..'t like MSN
Wie könnte man dich grade zum weinen bringen? You want me to bring what?
Bist du nah am Wasser gebaut? Wasser? That..'s water isn..'t it? Er Volvic?
Welche Augenfarbe hast du? 15 of them
Glaubst du an Gott? No idea
Können Fernbeziehungen klappen? No!! I..'m very careful
ist dein/e Freund/in älter oder jünger als du? No, he..'s a bit older than me
Deine Lieblings Comicfigur? Comics? no.
Deine Lieblingssportart? Sport? *shudders*
Auf was schaust du beim anderem Geschlecht als erstes? Who?
Was ist dir wichtiger Po oder Busen (für m) Wasn..'t he a Teletubby?
Lieber Waschbär oder Waschbrettbauch? (ladys) Is this applicable to me?
Wann gehst du in der Regel schlafen? Pass
Bist du schon einmal fremdgegangen? Is that something to do with enemas?
Wohnst du noch zu Hause? My house? It..'s a room. In Hackney.
bist du grade verliebt? Grades again?
Deine 3 besten Freunde heißen? 3 best mates? That..'s easy, you know who you are
hast du ein Handy? Of course I have hands! WTF do you think I..'m typing with?
Laptop oder Computer? Computer
Wie lang wa deine letzte Beziehung? Isn..'t that a type of biscuit
Lieber Slip oder Tanga? Coca Cola
Wie spät ist es grade? Shut up about grades!
Kannst du Poker spielen? No
Cola oder Cola light? Cola Zero
Bist du im Urlaub lieber auf einem Zeltplatz oder im Hotel? Something about hotels?
Wie heißt deine Lieblingsdisco? Disco?? Thought you guys were ahead of us?
Lädst du Musik aus dem Internet runter? How dare you? I..'m not a runt!
Gehst du oft ins Kino? Ah, I understand this, see my German isn..'t bad. Not very often.
Bist du grade sauer auf jemanden? I..'m not answering anything more about grades
Hat dir schon einmal jemand den/die Freund/in ausgespannt? Who?
Kennst du die Happy tree friends? What?
Schaust du viel MTV? No of course not. Silly person
Was hälst du von Jackass? As above
Stehst du auf Zungenküsse? What..'s a Zungenkusse?
In welcher/m Stadt/Dorf wohnst du? London
Schläfst du gerne lange? English, bits of other languages oh and fluent German (yes)
Was ist deine Lieblingsjahreszeit? I don..'t know
Wie findest du die Böhsen Onkelz? Probably
Fußball oder Handball? Ice Hockey
Bist du schon einmal Flugzeug geflogen? Spaghetti Carbonara
Was willst du später mal werden? Why would I do that?
Bist du ein emotionaler Mensch? Not particually
Rauchst du? No
Trinkst du oft Alkohol? After this certainly, Ja
Was ist dein Lieblings Cocktail? Vodka
Deine Mathenote? Who?
Du hast 3 Wünsche frei, was wünscht du dir? I have 3 what??
Magst du Käse? Er, neither (possibly)
Ist deine Mutter älter als dein Vater? Vater? Yeah Volvic (I told you)
Willst du später Kinder haben? Wieviele? Weevils? No thanks
Deine Lieblingsaugenfarbe? Tescos
Deine Lieblingshaarfarbe? Aldis?
Magst du kleine Kinder? Kinder is kids right? Do I clean kids?? No of course not!! What kind of person do you take me for?
Wie findest du Harry Potter? Crap
Welchen Film hast du zuletzt gesehen? Not Harry Potter
Bist du sportlich? No
HipHop oder Punk Neither and no bloody David Hasselhoff
Was hälst du von Aggro Berlin? Why would I want to cause aggro in Berlin? I..'ve got Bethnal Green down the road
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Celeb a Likes...

MyHeritage : Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

I think it may be random.................. There are some slight physical differences between myself and Ian Wright that you may notice.

My Interests

I HATE Strictly Come Dancing/Dancing on hot tar/celebrity Ebola challenge/I'm a nobody buy my crappy single/big publicity stunt etc etc which isn't good given my line of work.

I'd like to meet:

You people. Anyone that's up for a evening in with a few DVDs, good takeway and some quality chocolate, failing that a message or email once every six months. (Yes you) Sorry in joke that you'll get if you know me, cept it's not funny!


90's Cheese! Pulp are good, REM, Oasis, Queen etc etc


Escape from Hong Kong Island is my favourite film. So it's in Mandarin? Read the subtitles you philistines.


Gimme Gimme Gimme, NYPD Blue, The Simpsons, Black Adder, Red Dwarf, Spitting Image, 2DTV, Dead Ringers, Fawlty Towers, Beautiful People loads more I can't think of right now.


Augusten Borroughs, Peter Moore


Me, me and er Me really. Oh and Nelson Mandela, he's a legend. (did you know he works in Hackney Central Library?)

My Blog


So.. Nearly a year in back home and I'm restless. For the first time in my life if I saved for a short time I could actually afford to travel, not like the days when I've shown up in some third world...
Posted by Ade on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 10:21:00 PST

Hackney Bashing

  Can someone please explain to me what the problem is with Hackney? It's irritating me. Almost every forum describes it as hell on earth (or Thames at least) It's not! Ok, so it's got it's roug...
Posted by Ade on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 12:22:00 PST


Goodbye Richard And Judy After 20 years of presenting live daytime television, Richard and Judy have called time on their terrestrial TV career.>..table>Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan have b...
Posted by Ade on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 12:39:00 PST

0136 Blog

It's twenty to two in the morning. For some reason I'm in work. I started 11am Sunday morning, messed around didn't finish my work until 10pm! Didn't see much point going back to Hendon, I'm bac...
Posted by Ade on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 05:46:00 PST


Jordan tells Charlotte Church what she thinks of Kerry's love lifeHas Sarah Jessica Parker had facial surgery to remove her famous mole?Half the city dies of multiple stab wounds.I'll let you pick w...
Posted by Ade on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 11:53:00 PST


.. So... Dwayne Chambers has his appeal on Wednesday and the UK Olympic hopefuls must wait until he is cleared or not before the team is selected. If cleared he will become the first (official) j...
Posted by Ade on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 08:48:00 PST


Er ok fair enough, haven't watched this programme for ages but was amazed to find Wellard was being killed off, he first turned up as a middle aged dog in 1993, making h...
Posted by Ade on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 03:57:00 PST

Mugabe, UFO’s and a new tinpot.

Snappy title no? Anyway, from now on, I'm going to write a weekly blog about the past week's news/events. I work in news/current affairs after all.. Seems to be an African theme this we...
Posted by Ade on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 03:34:00 PST

U2 & REM - One REM doing U2's One. Michael is better than Bono (obviously!)...
Posted by Ade on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 03:11:00 PST

St Ade of Hendon....MP?

But more on that later... It's been a tiring day, really, really hot. Dom is back and we went for lunch again. Middle of the month so less Swordfish lunches and more Burger King. I've been l...
Posted by Ade on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST