tim profile picture


God, Friends and Lucy

About Me

I'd rather be in Palm Springs since that is the place that I go to regroup. I don't live there so vacation is the next best thing. Maybe in retirement? I am just a hard working guy who likes to do things. I am not a homebody-although the computor keeps me home longer than it used to. I am involved in lots of things at my church (which is important to me). I have a partner who is also important to me. Keeping up with friends is something that I like to do. God has placed them in my life for a reason. You will be hard pressed to put me in a category since I think my own way and VOTE my own way. To the conservatives I am liberal and to the liberals I am conservative. Before you think I am political I am not. I like Lucy and other old tv shows. Traveling and visiting friends as well as reading and writing skits and plays. It seems my talents are more on writing plays than being in them (although I have taken acting classes over the years). I also had wanted to be a massage therapist but never could find the time to go to school. At this stage in my life I realize you can't always get everything you want. Lastly I know that God is my source and he will always love me-even if I am not so lovable.

My Interests

church, travel, writing, reading, Lucy,ATWT, music, friends, wokring out,

I'd like to meet:

Massage therapist, Lucille Ball lovers. old tv lovers,ATWT lovers, Superman lovers, 80's music lovers, those who like to travel.


Abba/ Pet Shop Boys/ Human Leaque/ Howard JOnes/cliff Richard/ Debby Boone/ Cher/First Call/ White Heart/Brown Bannister


Poseidon Adventure Driving Miss Daisy Fried Green Tomatoes St Elmo's Fire Mame (with Lucille Ball) Mame ( R Russell) The Long Long Trailer Yours, Mine, and Ours


I love Lucy Smallville As The World Turns The Lucy Show The Waltons Here's Lucy Lois and Clark Everybody Loves Raymond Boy Meets Boy Bewiched Star Trek tng


Good grief! Too many too list. A little bit of everything.


superman? Lucille Ball Vivian Vance Fred!

My Blog

Good by Jerry

Miss Jerry,    I know you are with Jesus. I know that you are in a better place, but I am going to miss you. I always looked for you at church to tell you the latest happening in my family. ...
Posted by tim on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:49:00 PST

Tammy Faye

Tammy Faye is gone. To some she is a disgraced evangelist . To others she was just a celebrity famous for being famous. I have found myself holding back tears for the death of this lady.    ...
Posted by tim on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 07:14:00 PST


Easter is over. For church folks it can be the busiest season of them all. It is exhausting. Yet it is more meaningful now than it has ever been.  Jesus has risen. Jesus has risen indeed....
Posted by tim on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:25:00 PST

Sit somewhere else why don't you!

It is thursday and my off day. I usaully eat breakfast at the fast food place (the one that secializes in chicken). Anyway as I am trying to read the paper, drink my coffee and wake up, these 4 ladies...
Posted by tim on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:46:00 PST


Easter week. It seems it is always one of the busiest times of the year. Amost as busy as Christmas. As usual I find myself getting frustrated at things around me at church no less. The one place that...
Posted by tim on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 05:39:00 PST