Being home (it's so rare these days), old things... victorians... climbing, building, biking (with pedals on road and trail as well as with motor on road), travelling, movies, books, FOOD, wine, friends, my family, I love my job... business in general
interesting people...
fugazi, wilco, whiskeytown, mos def, the rosebuds, common, I will always love and listen to the grateful dead too much (if there is such a thing)... I listened to helmet the other day... I've been really getting into the Beijing indie rock scene (Hedgehog, P.K.14, Joyside, New Pants)... I'm still and probably will always be on a bit of a Will Oldham kick... Slint gets a lot of play... Nick Drake... Goner... Archers of Loaf... Boris... Fujiya & Miyagi got a lot of play not too long ago... Constantines.. D. Jr... Frank Black (and of course the Pixies)... Jeff Tweedy... Ted Leo... The Clash and joe Strummer's solo stuff... Karate... Kings of Leon... Les Savy Fav... Pinback... Menomena... The National... Nick Cave... I like Nouvelle Vague's take on the classics... Pavement... Superchunk... Proof... Radar Bros... Ratatat... Rogue Wave... Bowerbirds, Uncle Tupelo, Van is of course the man... I could go on but this is getting tedious...
on DVD or at the theater... I like both kinds
shows that go to DVD... Arrested Development, 30 Rock is great... Always Sunny in Philadelphia is one of the funniest shows ever... Discovery HD Theater is amazing... Planet Earth was stunning.
abbey, vonnegut, HST, Kesey, Hemingway, McCarthy, some robbins, a couple kerouac... some Wolfe... Pynchon... Hornby, T.C. Boyle, I love the Harry Potter books, I guess good fiction... or interesting true stories... biographies have to be really interesting for me to read them... the Art of Happiness was great... so was Titan... I've read a bunch of good business books, though they tend to all be pretty much the same thing said differently...
The old man and his old man... my momma and my sisters... my uncle ed and maybe some of my friends... maybe... you bastards