Quick Intro
Hi if you typed in phillj.co.uk and ended up here it's OK, I've not been able to maintain my webiste for so long this seemed the easiest way. If you've got a myspace account please add me to your friends, if not then why not create a profile, everyone's doing it these days (apparently).
Main Blurb
I'm basicaly a family man these days, been married since May 04 to Steph who I'd be lost without, have one beautifull daughter and a new son.
I work as a Network Analyst (that's computers if you're not sure) for my local council, not a bad job all in all, getting some good experience and have a good work/life balance.
My main hobby is DJing, though it's taken a back seat since becoming a dad, I still keep my hand in and play a few gigs localy. I'm currently working on switching everything over to Laptop, means I can use all my CDs and vinyl, carry my entire music collection with me and have much greater portability. I know some people think it's cheating some how or less real, but for me it's a really practical solution.
As the headline says, music is the main reason I'm here, with becoming a digital DJ I can download music straight onto my laptop for playing out, so I'm looking for good tracks of all genras so that I can expand and develop my style. My slant is towards dance and indie and especialy cross over stuff, remixes and the like, but will try and play out anything if I like it.