Stupid as Wood

About Me

The Victorian English Gentlemens Club are guitar bass drums and voices from Cardiff. They will freely describe their music as Pop although they sometimes play songs without a chorus. It has also been described as Rock, although they have been known to use a glockenspiel, and Punk, despite their enjoyment of effects pedals and natural fibres. They are currently working on their second album, and are all pleased to meet you.
Their self-titled debut album is out now on Fantastic Plastic Records, and it looks like this:

The track listing is:
The Tales Of Hermit Mark
Stupid As Wood
My Son Spells Backwards
Impossible Sightings Over Shelton
Such A Chore
Dead Anyway
Ban The Gin
Amateur Man
A Hundred Years Of The Street
Under The Yews
You can download the album here::
You can buy it in your local record shop. Other places you could try are:
Pure Groove
Rough Trade
Norman Records
HMV online
Action Records
Other singles they’ve had out look like this:
Our record label has a complilation out at the moment and we’re on it, it looks like this and you can buy it here:
Listen on
Myspace group here
where you talk, see photos and post you own stuff.
::::NEW::::Join our PROPER FORUM
which is, like, Proper and everything. Come on in else we’ll get lonely.
Booking UK/Europe - [email protected]
Press - Chris Stone: [email protected]
Label Inquiries - [email protected]
Fantastic Plastic Records Website
Contact Us - [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Adam Taylor- guitar, vocals

Louise Mason- bass, vocals
Emma Daman- drums, vocals
Fill out your email address to

Sounds Like: The songs on our myspace.
’Stupid As Wood’ (dir:: Tom Hobson )

...and here’s is the video for ’Impossible Sightings Over Shelton’:
Amateur Man ..
and also you can check out a New Song, ’The Venereal Game’ which was recorded by Dutch tv station VPRO at the London Calling festival, hereor click here to listen to the gig in full.
And there’s also a live mini set recorded for Liveroom that you can watch here .

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If you make a comment that is shameless promotion of your own band/night/self, it will be removed and your first-born will be slaughtered. You have been warned.
Record Label: Fantastic Plastic Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Records and Places

Message for you: The Victorian English Gentlemens Club are proud to announce that their debut album will be out on 12" VINYL, on 14th April - with a screen-printed sleeve, created in Germany. It look...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:59:00 PST


Ardent twitchers will know that the best place to see the Common Grackle (quiscalus quiscula) is the American southwest in spring, so in March we'll be going to Austin, Texas. Whilst we're there we al...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 03:53:00 PST

A year in the life of The Victorian English Gentlemens Club.

Despite the hectic koi carp breeding schedule this year, we have participated in a lot of music related activities. In between these things, we've been inside a carpet box making a lot of new songs. W...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 02:53:00 PST

Real Live Forum

Wow, we've just caught up with 2007 and have got ourselves a Proper Forum which you can/must join here where you can do all the usual forum type things and may even ask us rude and slightly insulting ...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:08:00 PST

Off tour with Sons and Daughters

We've just got back from our mammoth tour with Sons and Daughters. So feeling a little sad that it's the end of gigs for this year, but we're also aching to record new stuff. The tour was obscene. You...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:01:00 PST

On tour with Sons and Daughters

The Victorian English Gentlemens Club will supporting Son and Daughters on their UK tour, starting on 1st Nov. 1 Nov Soundhaus NORTHAMPTON 2 Nov The Social NOTTINGHAM 3 Nov Bar Academy BIRMINGHAM 4 No...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:08:00 PST

Things we did and how they happened

Hello. We just finished the single release tour. It was right good.Highlights included the immense Gindrinker playing a family sized God of Darts/Ban the Gin combo at our Cardiff gig. The enjoyable ha...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:28:00 PST


Our new single is out today. Double A+ side, LA MER and STUPID AS WOODOn Fantastic Plastic Records, it's a spectacular vinyl/wood extravaganza. HMVPureGrooveFPSpillers Action Records  ...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:46:00 PST

Radio V's TVEGC

Listen back to us on Bethan and Huw on Radio One in Wales - broadcast 5th July. Includes the hot  new single.... the other side of the bridg...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 06:14:00 PST

Hallo Germany

GermanyWe like Germany so we will go back in September:20th Düsseldorf Pretty Vacant21st Bremen Nook22nd Münster AMP24th Hamburg Grüner Jäger25th Hannover Glocksee26th Berlin Magnet27th Heidelberg Sto...
Posted by THE VICTORIAN ENGLISH GENTLEMENS CLUB on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 05:06:00 PST