"Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation." - Rumi
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I am RESPONSIBLE for what I SEE ...
I choose the FEELINGS I experience...
And I decide upon the GOAL I would ACHIEVE ...
And EVERYTHING that SEEMS to happen to me...
I ASK for and RECEIVE ...
...As I have ASKED ...
~The Course in Miracles
I'd like to meet:
The Piece of Me Inside Everyone Else...
I don't know where you are on your path
I have never stood in your shoes
I see not with your eyes.
I know not what your purpose is here
In this stage of your evolution.
But I feel blessed to know you.
As you are not in my life by chance
And you are my teacher
As I hope you learn from me.
I pray I show reverence to you
I pray not to judge you.
I wish to let you be
Who you are
Who you dream of being.
I will just be beside you
And watch you grow.
And the day will come for sure
When we will know why
Our paths crossed this way.
And until then my friend
Be who you must be.
My favorite song...
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Remember to make everything in you an ear,
each atom of your being,
and you will hear at every moment
what the Source is whispering to you...
You are, as we all are, the beloved of the beloved, and in every moment, in every event of your life,
the Beloved is whispering to you exactly what you need to hear and know.
Remember the point of life is not to get anywhere—
it is to notice that you are, and have always been, already there.
You are, always and forever, in the moment of pure creation.
The point of life is to create—
who and what you are,
and then to experience that in which you have created.
Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn
(because you already know),
but to REMEMBER Who You Are, and who everyone else is.
You are the creator of your reality,
and your life can show up no other way for you
than the way in which you think it will.
We are what we think. All that we are arises With our thoughts. With our thoughts, We make our world.
So, seek not to change the world,
but choose to change your MIND about the world.
This means nothing is being done to you —
and all things are created by you.
There can be no more victims and no more villains —
only outcomes of your own thoughts.
Remember too that all that appears in your life
is a blessing, presenting you with a greater opportunity to
define who you are,
and to know yourself as that.
Remember also not to believe the noises of the world,
rather listen to and believe the silences of your soul.
You are your own rule-maker,
for you are the one who has decided
Who and What You Really Are — and Who You Want to Be.
You set the guidelines and only YOU can decide how well you have done or how well you are doing.
Regarding LOVE,
remember your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.
You are
goodness and mercy and compassion and understanding.
You are peace and joy and light. You are forgiveness and patience, strength and courage, a helper in time of need,
a comforter in time of sorrow, a healer in time of injury, a teacher in times of confusion.
You are the deepest wisdom and the highest truth; the greatest peace and the grandest love.
You are these things.
And in moments of your life
you have known yourself as these things.
My greatest wish for you
is for YOU to CHOOSE
to know yourself as these things
Conversations With God
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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My Daughter Ashley, my son Andrew and MYSELF.