Plumpylicious! profile picture


Now listen up~she's razor sharp~if she don't get her way~she'll slice you apart. Looks that kill

About Me

Name: Fran aka Plumpylicious
Birthdate: Sept 28, 1971
Birthplace: Lima, Peru
Current Location: ND
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blondish
Height: not tall enough
Weight: yeah right!
Piercings: 3
Tatoos: 3-lower back, upper back, ankle
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Vince Neil
Overused Phraze: dude!!!!!
Food: Sushi
Candy: Godiva Chocolates
Number: 20
Color: green
Animal: My dog
Drink: Juice
Alcohol Drink: Wine-Vince Neil Vineyards:)
Bagel: toasted with plain cream cheese
Letter: V
Body Part on Opposite sex: Anything on Vince
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BK
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Latte
Kiss or Hug: Kiss followed by a hug
Dog or Cat: Doggy
Rap or Punk: neither
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny
Love or Money: Love and Money
Bedtime: 11ish
Most Missed Memory: Summers in Pta. Hermosa
Best phyiscal feature: My boobs probably
First Thought Waking Up: fuckin' alarm
Goal for this year: make mucho dinero
Best Friends: Crys, Dave, Scraps
Weakness: Motley Crue in particular Vince Neil:)
Fears: driving on icy roads
Heritage: Spanish-Italian
Longest relationship: Chad
Ever Drank: no way
Ever Smoked: smoked what
Pot: nope
Ever been Drunk: never
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: nope, I usually pull people apart
Ever Shoplifted: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: in HS
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: hmmmm........ yes
Been Dumped Lately: not lately
Favorite Eye Color: green
Favorite Hair Color: any
Short or Long: depends on the dude
Height: as tall as Vince
Style: same style as Vince
Looks or Personality: Vince's Personality
Hot or Cute Hot as Vince
Drugs and Alcohol: as long as it doesnt interfere with me:)
Muscular or Really Skinny: middle of the road
Number of Regrets in the Past: a couple
What country do you want to Visit: Italia
How do you want to Die: Happy
Been to the Mall Lately: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: not really
Get along with your Parents: yes
Health Freak: nope
Do you think your Attractive: sure
Believe in Yourself: yes, usually
Want to go to College: too old
Do you Smoke: cigaretes only
Do you Drink: yes, Wine
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: not well
Want to get Married: have already
Do you want Children: I have 2 already
Have your future kids names planned out: no more kids for me:)
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: I cant remember
Hate anyone: nope

My Interests


Motley Crue, ACDC, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Buckcherry, Ozzy, Tesla....etc etc pretty much everything except Hip Hop!!Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) Video Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) lyrics - Motley Crue lyrics Motley Crue Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure

My Blog

Monica Bing

Video Provided By
Posted by Plumpylicious! on Thu, 11 May 2006 01:49:00 PST

Football Draft

Dont forget to watch the Draft this Saturday!!!  ...
Posted by Plumpylicious! on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 02:48:00 PST

Motley Concert April 1st

I'm still in cloud 9 I haven't had the chance to come back to reality yet......the night was better than I would have ever dreamed.......the guys kicked ASS in total Motley Fashion!!!!  it was "L...
Posted by Plumpylicious! on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 02:54:00 PST


Music Video Codes By HotGet.comFREE Myspace Profile Spy By
Posted by Plumpylicious! on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 12:01:00 PST

Check this out!!

hey guys look at this .... 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. D...
Posted by Plumpylicious! on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:21:00 PST

My New Tat

Here's a pic of my new Tat. I endured 3.5 hrs. on the chair, ouch!! but all worth it.  My inspiration was Dr. Feelgood's logo with a twist. ...
Posted by Plumpylicious! on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 01:28:00 PST