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Liz Hatch

Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. ~ Mark Twain

About Me

Myspace Profile Tracker World Visitor MapI hate dirty ears, earwax is not my friend, The sound of people chewing food makes me want to throw up, I brush my teeth at least 5 times a day, I love cyclists legs, Trek bikes suck, I can spit like a boy thanks to my friends Vinnie and Adam's expert instruction, I'd rather have bikes than kids, I race with lipstick in my jersey pocket, I hate Florida, There's nothing better than a good quality chamois and nothing worse than a shitty one... Road rash turns me on, I forgot that one! My sister once threw a toothpaste tube at me and almost blinded me, but the eye patch I got to wear for 3 weeks was super cool! Thanks sis! I fell out of a moving car when I was three. When I got to the hospital I cried more about not being able to play with the toys in the waiting room than from the pain, I love watching people throw up and I love when they take blood at the doctor's office, I have a weakness for guys who smell good, even if they're ugly. Trek bikes still suck, ask George Hincapie(ha) who, by the way, will never win Flanders because you have to actually attack at some point in the race to win. My bike is sexier than I am, and I'm not mad about it. Fried okra is orgasmic, and cous cous is not bad either...Something new that I hate... The sound of someone talking when they need to take a big drink of water... Does anyone know what I mean?

My Interests

2007 Cyclocross World Championships "It's the ambiguously gay duo!"

I'd like to meet:

A boy with an ass like this. "Hi, my name is Bjorn and my job is to be really really good looking. Oh yeah, and I ride a bike too."This man. On the left. Not Hincapie.This should happen more often... My new bike. Hot right? Fast too! Yes, Jimmy, there are naked men on my page. And you, Van Petegem, put your tongue back in your mouth! Why does he even bother? Just let it go. There. Much better, Rene! Real men wear blue lipstick. "Weeeeee, I won a bike game!"



Move, move, move. I'll show you how it's done, dude!Why is he always picking up his teammates? "OH! I found a four leaf clover!!!"


Arrested Development, The Simpsons


This is the Norwegian cycling team. I guess they ride bikes differently there.The Dark Heart of Italy, East of Eden, anything written by Oscar Wilde, Beach Music Is it just me, or is he taking the whole "Lion King" thing too far?


Bart Wellens, Badass MoFo

My Blog

The Triple Crankset Interview

Len Basobas from Triple Crankset grilled me a while back and here are the results. Look for future interviews on Triple Crankset with more of the Vanderkitten riders and staff.Triple Crankset...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:34:00 PST

Kitty Fight in NYC

So, I've been asked to be the "Special Guest" at the NY Velocity Roller Race benefiting Fernando Cuevas on January 24th in New York. As to how they chose me, my best guess is that they ran out of peop...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 10:45:00 PST

The Sporting Life Society Interview

Sporting Life Society Interview Brett Svatek of The Sporting Life Society asked me a few weeks ago to have a chat with him about ...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:18:00 PST

BH Bikes USA Signs on as Frame Sponsor to Vanderkitten Team

BH Bikes USA Signs on as Frame Sponsor to Vanderkitten Team   TEMPE, AZ  BH Bikes USA has signed on as the frameset supplier to the professional women's road racing team Vanderkitten. The tea...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:35:00 PST Racing Press Release

As per New cat joins NRC circuit-Vanderkitten has announced it will expand its NRC involvement to a six-women elite team as well as developmental and regional support riders in 200...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 06:24:00 PST

Velocity Nation Interview

I ran into these crazy guys in Las Vegas at InterBike and long story short they asked me to do an interview with them for their site. Also, I'll now be a contributing writer to ...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 09:08:00 PST

Everyone has a blog!

And now I'm adding my name to the list. Yeah yeah, I know...   Anyway, here's the address. or Life as a Vanderkitten...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:06:00 PST

Check it out!Vanderkitten
Posted by Liz Hatch on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:39:00 PST

Vanderkitten Fund Raiser, Help Didi Lawrence!

People always ask us, "How does Vanderkitten make a difference?" A lot of you know we give a lot of our proceeds to support women in so many aspects of athletics, music, disease and more. In fact, our...
Posted by Liz Hatch on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 05:20:00 PST