EDUTAINMENT: "Educating tha mind; entertaining tha soul."
Check out my main site at IAMVALJONES.COM for details...
You are The Star
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Zeeeeee Phi...Soooo Sweet. Much blue luv to my sorors and frats.
I'd like to meet:
Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Langston Hughes, Oscar Brown, Jr., Sonia Sanchez, Harry Belafonte, Prince, Sly Stone, and Gil Scott-Heron(again! Holla at a sista, Gil. And thanks for being the pioneer of spoken word poetry/jazz.
Fake azz mofos who front, stunt and cunt. This site is dedicated to the art of "vibing;" NOT the art of bullshit!!
Purchase "Portrait Of A Muse Unsheathed" today! 17 powerful tracks of poetic pride and perservance.
Now THIS is what JAZZITUDE is all about! Check out Gil Scott-Heron's "Is That Jazz?"
"VAL JONES EDUTAINMENT" is about promoting empowerment and education through poetry and song. Spoken word is a by-product of the wonderful poets and writers of the HARLEM RENAISSANCE. Let us not forget that we ARE because they WERE. From Harlem Renaissance to Hip Hop, the legacy continues!
Val Jones Edutainment
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And did I mention that I'm an "Ole Hip Hop Junkie" as well?
And why I think Taalam Acey IS absofreakinlutely phenomenal!!!
Thank YOU for vibing with JAZZITUDE!
Too many to name. From Billie to Miles to Funkadelics to Sun Ra to Gil Scott-Heron to Mike Philly to Little well as folks like Oscar Brown, Jr and Sekou Sundiata whose vibes are "poetic music" to my ears. Listen to JAZZITUDE and you'll catch a clue who and what I like.
My top 5? The Matrix, Malcolm X, The Ten Commandments(minus the obvious complexion inaccuracies), The Color Purple and (the original)Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (...WHAT?!!)
And even though it's not a movie per se, I also love "The Secret."
The Boondocks, Sci-Fi, Comedy Central, PBS, and VH1.
The greatest weapon of mass destruction lies within one's own mind (Did you hear that Mr. Bush?!). Read, learn, experience...and know.
1. Black Voices by Abraham Chapman
2. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
3. Collected Stories of Charles W. Chestnutt by William L. Andrews
4. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
5. The Wisdom of Frances Scovil Shinn
6. Spirit Speaks to Sisters by June Gatlin
7. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
8. The well as The Other Bible (why get the partial story when the WHOLE story is so much more interesting). P.S. For those who didn't know, MARY WAS NOT A PROSTITUTE!!! Gotta study all dem scriptures, y'all!
Dad and Mom (thanking for loving me, teaching me and never giving me any restrictions or limitations)...
Hubby (for being my "soulmate" and helping me accomplish my dreams. Thank U...and I MISS U, baby! R.I.P. Weldon David Baker - Nov. 2, 2007.
Malcolm X isn't it obvious?! We'll sadly never see the likes of this magnitude and unity again. Makes me cry sometimes.
My "goddaddy" Dr. Khalid Muhammad (I miss your energy soooo much. Oh well, now the world's gotta deal with ME!)...
Dave Chappelle , f@#k 'em and do you, baby. That's one less soul they didn't get!...
MYSELF...for making it thru some incredibly challenging times with my mind and spirit intact. We should ALL strive to be the type of person we look up to. That way, we can inspire others as well.
Babies, Poets, Jazz Artists, Musicians and Artists of all genres and ALL who dare to be different! The most tested is indeed the most blessed. Do YOU!
Tha Divine Messenger, my "spiritual big brotha & teacher" who no one understood then and still doesn't understand today. But, I got it, Sensei!
The 7 story continues and the remnant is growing~