There are so many highlights from my career thus far that stick out in my mind. So sifting through them all, here are my top 5 starting with:
5…meeting Michael Jordan and being signed to his company Brand Jordan
4…going undefeated on my Babe Ruth baseball league team and winning the championship
3…is between playing at 2 parties and not so much about how great the parties were but because of the numerous challenges and hurdles that the party hosts had overcome to achieve. The two parties are Orprah’s 50th and Nelson Mandella’s 80th birthday parties
2…is the first time I saw my body of work in a major store (it kinda tripped me out)
1…is the time when I was 7 years old and I went downstairs to the apartment that was vacant below ours and took some things that were not mine. My mother beat my A$$ and the beating that I got that day still stings to this day.
Now I have a little girl by the name of Michaella Phillips who has an ear that is out of this world! She sang on both of my records and is getting better and better! As a matter of fact, we just did our 1st gig together in April 2006 and she received a standing ovation. I can see many of the same qualities that I had as a child in her already. Whatever she decides to and to be, she will have my complete support and love.
Looking back on this, My Story, I know that my road and my path was different from most. I’m a high school grad who opted out of going to college. Coming out of high school, I was offered college scholarships to play both football and to play in the band. However, I chose to study at The University of Stevie Wonder and Prince and of all of the musicians throughout the years who have taken me under their wings allowing me to absorb and to learn. I have been blessed to come across so many people who just wanted to see me make it. I have had so much support and there are so many names that I can’t even start to name everyone. But I also know that each day that I’m here on this earth I thank God for everything that I’m blessed with. My Story has some blank pages that I have to fill in and I’m looking forward to filling in the blanks as I live more of my life and my dream.
"My Story" continues in my Blog!