Alexis profile picture


Sometimes things are better left unsaid...unless of course they're witty or humorous things.

About Me

"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the sources of our troubles, we shouldnt test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." ~{Fuck Ya!} -a quote I came accross at some point in time (most likely 4am time)So, is it social suicide to be an Iconoclast now'a days...or just politically incorrect? Hmmm? Fuel for thought;o) What about me?....hmm....Well, lets see...I love music. House music, in particular. Humor is a priority in my life, and should be required by law. God knows, Bush would never pass that law...But I'll save the politics for later... Now, perhaps a little more substance... ... I'm a 26 year old California native w/ world travel experience. Cultured and down to earth, realistic and diplomatic. I think people should be able to live w/out being constantly judged or shot down for having thoughts and ideas that are "outside-the-box". My power hours have always been from midnight to 3am, or there abouts...People find that frustrating at times. But I know I'm not the only one like this out there...right? And I would love to say that I have everything figured out w/ my life and exactly who I am, but I'd be lieing. Things just aren't that cut and dry for me. I mean, I've got the fundamental basics down about life and where I'm goin' in it, but I seem to question everything. Like....Who decided what the "Standard" should be? Or.... How the FUCK did GEORGE W.BUSH GET IN OFFICE- NOT ONCE, BUT 2 TIMES NOW? WAKE UP PEEPS! Ya know?

My Interests

"I am no longer sure of anything. If I satiate my desires, I sin but I deliver myself from them; if I refuse to satisfy them, they infect the whole soul." ...Words I ponder daily Anyway, moving right along.... My interests, huh? Too many to list....or not enough to mention....? I'm not sure yet~:Some of my interests include:*Working w/ my hands i.e. building stuff *creating (ideas, logos, peoples business cards, jewlery, whatever) *Tattoos *fine or fun dining (either/or) *Being w/ my friends *meeting exciting new friends, or just new ones- but I'd prefer exciting, oh & Funny, too *Having an intense conversation about Politics, Religion &/or topics that run deep w/ me. *Clubbing till the wee hours of the morn, & then ending up at some random house w/ a group of like-minded peeps. *interesting encounters w/ people & such, that make me take a moment w/ the universe to say "Hmmm?- That was weird." *eroticism *Intimite moments where the connection is alive & strong! and wild ones too, where the clothes are ripped off & the heat is on! *Trying new things (for the most part;) *Bargain shopping *Internet shopping *driving to new places & getting lost on the way *exploring them, once found *Fast cars *Cheap thrills *getting inebriated every so often (oh, who am I kidding) *music (listening to or watching live) *Learning new stuff *helping people *and the list goes on and on..... ...Oh, and I love animals!

I'd like to meet:

uhh?...People? opposed to talking dogs? Although, that would be I wouldn't mind meeting them either. And anyone who is disgusted by our current president! (Dogs &/or People) Oh, and anyone fun that likes to get into some mischief every so often.

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


HOUSE and TRANCE music! Better yet, TROUSE! ...Some of the artists' found in my collection: First & for most-My husband, MR. DJ CHARLES TORRENCE! (You go Baby!...) D:Fuse, Paul Oakenfold, Tall Paul, Seb Fontaine, Fat Boy Slim, Donald Glaude, Swedish Egil, Tiesto, Timo Maas, Mark Lewis, Kimbal Collins, Dave Aude, Moloko... and of course, my collection wouldn't be complete w/out my best friend, DJ RACHILL's cds in the mix! She's goin' to be famous one day! But I also like Industrial, Alternative, Rock, Emo & whatever else has a good BEAT !Some other Favorites of mine: Skinny Puppy, Dead Can Dance, Siouxie & The Banshees, Tori Amos, Dramarama, Jimmy Hendricks, Scissor Sisters, Sisters of Mercy, NIN, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, The Killers, Peter Murphy, etc....and the list goes on & on....*


Reservoir Dogs, Clockwork Orange, Garden State, Sin City, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, American Beauty, American Psycho, Fahrenheit 9/11, ....hmm....I'm drawing a blank at the be cont...
You are Mike!

Which SLC Punk are you?


I've kinda stopped watchin TV...but when I do...DEXTER!!! That show f***in' ROCKS! Sopranos, Big Love, Carnivale, Real Sex Xtra- Pornucopia, Taxi Cab Confessions, Family Business. And I have to admit, I freakin' love The OC. But dont tell anyone. Oh and Prison Break is pretty damn good too. And anything having to do with Forensic Science and Investigation- reality based only.


California Law and the news paper mostly I like FHM and Maxim too (God I sound like I have no substance to me, huh) Books just arent my favorite way to enrich my knowledge- I prefer the internet


My Dad b/c of the strength he showed during his time of illness which was a good majority of my life...And anyone who's not afraid to speak up when no one else will, stand up for what they believe in, or be them selves no matter what...

My Blog

As I realize the bit of ironny w/ todays date & what I was about...

As I realize the bit of irony w/ today's date & what I was write...I almost hesitate just waiting till tomorrow to have these thoughts w/in me come to surface...but then I s'pose the...
Posted by Alexis on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:36:00 PST

The "Before" attitude.....

So...I wrote this not to long ago, probably about two months ago. It was in my "about me" section. But I felt it was more a blog thing, (& not to mention I have since then changed m...
Posted by Alexis on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 03:57:00 PST

Stoned no more....

Ok, so today I go in for surgery and while its probably not considered a "major" surgery...It's still none the less, If the title of my blog has you wondering what the hell does it ha...
Posted by Alexis on Thu, 04 May 2006 12:39:00 PST