NEWS:ALIEN VAMPIRES: THE FINAL PRODUCTFriends and Colleagues --We're pleased to announce that ALIEN VAMPIRES: NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE has completed its run at the printer and the finished product is on the way to us now at BLC PRODUCTIONS, courtesies of Federal Express. We expect to have the discs by tomorrow morning, though our official release date is not until Tuesday (12/4/07). BUT .............. for all who have pre-ordered the album, don't worry! Our crew will be here tomorrow morning (USA time) and will begin to sort the many, many pre-orders that we've received and get them out ASAP. A lot will go out in the post tomorrow. Please be patient and we will get yours to you as quickly as we can. As mentioned, there's also a poster with the album, so we will be sure to include those as well.If you want to purchase ALIEN VAMPIRES at a great price, with no shipping and handling charges, please act quickly. We expect the album to be a "sold out" edition very quickly ... Order info is on the left side of the BLC News page, the meantime, we've posted new Alien Vampires trax from their upcoming album on the BLC My Space, and will be updating the music selections over the weekend for you :-))BLC Productions
::CLICK HERE:: Hell is coming to obsess youWE PROUDLY PRODUCE DEADLY SEVEN