the only things that interest me are girlfriend related. like honesty, feelings, and fidelity.... and church events like bake sales and trips to plattsburg.
I would love to meet Oprah. Not beacause I respect or even tolerate the B****, simply because i'd like to be the first person to back-hand her mind controlling ass back to the projects... but i can't because my girlfrind loves her.
whatever my girlfriend will let me listen to.
whatever my girlfriend will let me watch. i think we liked "girl inturupted" and "what women want".
desperate housewives, O.C, whistler, friends, care bears.
sometimes i read my girlfrind's diary. just to know how i'm doing.
Don Cheadle. It's just good to see a black guy in hollywood act like a black guy instead of acting like what a white guy expects black guys to act like. yeah.