Partay-ing, Film (watching and making them), Music (I play guitar), Tennis and Hockey, TRAINING VIDEOS!! How sick are those! (No, not the fitness training type, but the kind they make you watch when you start a new job...)
George Bush, Bono, The Rock
I like soooo much music, but I'll put a few that stand out in my mind... and yes, I have a somewhat "gay" taste in music :)
- 30 Seconds to Mars
- Aerosmith
- Anastacia
- Backstreet Boys (went to their concert, it was amazing!)
- Black Eyed Peas
- Bon Jovi
- Bond
- Bryan Adams
- Clay Aiken
- Creed
- dc Talk
- Deliriou5
- Eminem
- Enrique
- Evanescence
- Greenday
- James Blunt
- Jakalope
- Kanye West
- Lifehouse
- Linkin Park
- Phil Collins
- The Rasmus
- Remy Shand
- Santana
- Scott Stapp
- The Servant
- Tenacious D
- Trust Company
- U2
Sooooo many, but here's a short list:
- The Matrix
- Sin City
- Lord of the Rings
- Braveheart
- Schindler's List
- Mean Girls
- Team America
- The Godfather
- Pirates of the... (yeah, I'm too lazy to spell out Caribbean)
- Underworld
- The Aristocrats
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Zoolander
- Crash
- King Kong
- Advent Children
- The Passion of the Christ
... and a whole lot more.
Screw TV! (Except for Family Guy and Conan O'Brien... and 24)
None!These quizzes are awesome!Take the quiz:
Which Disney Princess are you most like
You're a loving and giving person, and you can always see the good inside others. You love to read and spend more time with your friends.
Take the quiz:
What WWE character are you?
The Rock
You are The Rock, the people's champion, the bramal bull, you aren't in wrestling anymore but when you are you kick ass.
Take the quiz:
Which Mean Girls Character Are you? (girlz)
Regina George
Your the hottest girl in school.
Take the quiz:
What O.C. Character are you most like?
You can be very sarcastic but you're loved by the people who matter. You know just what to say to cheer up you friends.
Take the quiz:
What type of kisser are you?
Romantic kisser
This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.
Jack Bauer, baby!