Ms. Priceless ;) profile picture

Ms. Priceless ;)

Haters are welcome...but take your bullshit w/ you when you leave the page!

About Me

I got my layout at Q: What’s Priceless Media all about?
A: Priceless Media technically started when I was working as an account manager at back in 2000. I had finished all my tasks for the day, and I began writing the mission statement for my company. I emailed it to myself and then I kept on writing when I got home.
After taking on various account management positions, I spent a year floating and working alongside an independent publicist. I had access to all the tools, and realized that with the right energy I could be just as successful. After being released from yet another job in corporate America due to the fabulous issues of politics, I decided that I’d give it a go on my own. By the end of 2004, Priceless Media was happening...and I simply caught up to my dream.
Q: What kind of Publicist Are You?
A: I am insightful and strategy-driven with each of my clients. One media plan does not match the other, but the general elements are there: the personal touch. I am the type of publicist that tells you when you need a break, and when you need to get your ass to the party. I am up all hours of the night coming up with the next great idea, and trying to build momentum for a person, product or brand.Q: What’s the Brand Thing All About?
A: It’s pretty simple. The Golden Arches represent McDonald’s, “Where’s the Beef?” will always make you think of Wendy’s and you know when someone “got mail…” Every product and person has something that makes them unique, thus creating what becomes the elements of a brand. Oprah is not just a talk show host, but a empire. You’ll always recognize the voices of James Taylor, Aretha Franklin and Biggie. Authenticity is key in creating a brand.
And so, this is what I do every day. I follow trends, I go in the think tank, and I create the next idea. I’d tell you more, but you have to pay, straight up.Q: How Do You Pick Your Clients?
A: I usually do not take unsolicited people. I like to hand-select whom I feel would benefit from working with me. I look for individuals whom have a package that is ready to go…I build brands, even create them, but I prefer for individuals to know what they are looking for and have a general understanding that the success of their brand lies not only within me, but them as well. To discuss publicity services, feel free to drop a note and I will reply at my earliest convenience. For a faster response, you should e-mail me: [email protected]
Past and Present Clients/Consultant Work includes (in alphabetical order):
Da Grind TV Show hosted by Murphy Lee for MTV VMA’s 2006 (Red Carpet Events)
Dionne Figgins (Performance Artist)
Dolphy Productions (Theater Production Company)
Dres of Black Sheep (Hip-Hop/Music)
Epiphany 3 Films (Film Production Company)
MEGA Management, Inc. (Business Development/Artist Representation)
“The Truth-About the Down Low” (for Restoration Stage, Inc./Theater Production Company)
Writer’s Block Party (Music Licensing Services)

My Interests

Reading, museums, movies, great parties, learning more, publicity, writing, marketing...lots of stuff...

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm, seems every time I think of someone I meet them...there are people I would like to meet, I guess those whom I haven't yet...


Lots of stuff, you'd be surprised...


Quite a few....Pretty Woman, City of God, Our Song, Belly...


Reality TV Show Junkie HBO




Father (R.I.P), Mom, GOD, Ms. Joanne (R.I.P) survivors of the levee failures of Katrina

My Blog

Today’s Candygirl says...

Check out my other blog at'm trying to be better at updating it daily...but in the meantime check it out! Leave a comment as well :) ~NP/PG ;)...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:34:00 PST

merry christmas? what the fuck ever

sorry to put the "scrooge stink" on things but i am so over this christmas shit, i am barfing up all the egg nog and cookies i had at a trimming party i went to last night. i think this is one of thos...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 01:27:00 PST (yes, you read that correctly)

OK so I won't go into the drama with and their review of 8WM/Novakane...and I hope you are open minded enough to recognize true journalism...let's just say that their "resolution" to the...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 03:25:00 PST

The time is now!

Well, it's the first week since 8WM/Novakane went to the digital masses, and I don't think things are slowing down anytime soon. I've had Dres on the phone with The Source and XXL this week. I'm waiti...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 03:05:00 PST

Candygirl is Back! Check out what's up...

  CANDYGIRL NEWS OCT. '06 Hi! It's been a while, but I am back! It feels good...even though here in NYC it's GETTING CHILLY! You might be wondering where I've been and what happened to us CandyGi...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:03:00 PST

Days 25-15: Our visit to Miss Jones? Priceless...

I'm not even sure what day we are at right now (Oh&ok, day 15)&I don't know who I thought I was saying that I would be blogging every day, but I guess if I want to be a writer someday, I need to get i...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 07:17:00 PST

Days 32-26: The Goal Is Five Covers&

So it's been quite a whirlwind folks&where do I begin?   Last Friday I wrote an e-mail to the booker of the Miss Jones Morning Show. For those of you who may not know her, she is the infamous sho...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 08:16:00 PST

Day 33: OC Weekly! Mr. Black Sheep goes to the OC

Check this out! Click here for the OC Weekly's entertainment section headlined by Black Sheep! (photo: Ramon Singley)...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 06:17:00 PST

Day 34: The Magnet

Sometimes I feel like there is this magnet pulling me backwards. Like I needed to meet Dres' manager Christopher today, and I swear everything that could go wrong did. First I couldn't find my damn sh...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:47:00 PST

35 days until the official return of what we know as authentic hip-hop&

I was about to get up here and get to blasting folks, but I have work to do right now, so I'll save my gripes for later&   So last week, I had the esteemed pleasure of watching one of the first o...
Posted by Ms. Priceless ;) on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:17:00 PST