Hottah Hottah here!!!€
i m F r E aK i n H oT iN H e R e ! ! !
s e e m e d o w n t h e r e!
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Cocktail Drinks, Citrus Fruits Music, Dramas, Food.. . Everythin under the sun!!!! I love beaches... water!HotTiE AnD FRiEnDLy BlOkES
Anyone, Anybody... uhmmm le me tink first... uhmmm, blokes.. party peeps ...... BUT ABOVE ALL....aN EXhiBiTiONiSt.. Will DO...
RnB, RnB, RnB, RnB, Accoustic, Accapella, Nelly... 50 Cents.... Beyonce.... Mariah Carey.... Madonna... Norah Jones
Dirty Dancing, Moulin Rounge, Cutting Edge, Chocolate, Legally Blonde, Head Over Heels, Harry potter
Sex and the City, Queer as Folk, Survivor, Fear Factor.. MTV/...MTV..MTV
Harry Potter... JK Rowling, creator of Sex and the City.., TO kill a Mocking Bird
Clark Kent, Bruce Waine, Selina Kyle, Peter Parker