j-mil profile picture


Well pluck my ass and call me Sally!

About Me

And I'm the rootinest, tootinest, rassumest, frassumest, meanest varmint this side of the Pecos!

My Interests

I create stuff. Mostly by drawing, though sometimes through the reanimation of corpses. You can check out my site jmilillustration.com to learn all about it, the drawing not the corpses. Please also check out tlchicken.com . I make stuff there too. Many other funny and talented people are there.

I'd like to meet:

Fuck you! Leave me alone!


Early Megadeth, Mr. Bungle, Early Metallica, Modest Mouse, Faith No More, NIN, Dragonforce, Motörhead, The Darkness, Dimmu Borgir, Slayer, Machinehead, Goatwhore, Dethklok, Venom, Graveland, Cannibal Corpse, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, At the Gates, Sevendust


In no particular order (other than the order that they randomly come to mind): Equilibrium, Sin City, Donnie Darko, Spirited Away, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the dead (both versions), day of the dead, The Crow, Dead Alive, LOTR, Evil Dead Series, Spider-Man 1&2, X-Men 1&2, Akira, The Machinist, Hellboy, The Punisher, A history of violence, Pan's Labrynth, Children of Man, Eraserhead, Nightwatch, Daywatch, Heavenly Creatures, The Propecy, The Devil's Backbone, Chronos, Mad Max, The Corporation (the history of the corporation), Fuck (a documentary about the word "fuck"), They Live, The Bourne Trilogy, Bad Taste, Red Eye, Slither, Pulp Fiction, Reservior Dogs, Kill Bill, Planet Terror, 28 Days Later


Lost, South Park, Family Guy, Drawn Together,Aquateen Hunger Force, Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, Metalocalypse, Home Movies, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Penn & Teller: Bullshit, Deadwood, Carnivale, Futurama, Heroes, Smallville, Supernatural, Reaper, Bones, Cosmos, Six Feet Under, The Lost Room, Pushing Daisies, Squidbillies, Moral Orel, Mythbusters, My Name is Earl, Dexter, Heroes


Comics: Planetary, The Walking Dead, Invincible, Y the last man, Fables, Preacher, The Keep, DMZ, 100 Bullets, Grounded, Night Mary, the Ultimates, The Coffin, AKIRA (best of all time), Grant Morrison's Animal Man (I don't care what anyone says), Ex Machina, Global Frequency, RED, Hellboy, Kingdom Come, The Sword, Girls,

Books: Catcher in the Rye, Stephen King's The Stand, The God Delusion, Cosmos, Why Darwin Matters, Asimov's Guide to the bible, The Atheist's Bible, Pet Cemetery, man I need to read some more books...


Heroes only let you down.

My Blog

Well...something finally raised my ire enough for me to do something about it.

This is what bothered me so badly: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=hr110-847 The "Recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith" resolution. I actually took the time to...
Posted by j-mil on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:35:00 PST

The most awesome Blog in the history of the Blogosphere!

Well kids, the time is here. I've just added the first major item to my MERCHANDISE PAGE! www.jmilillustration.com/merchandise.php You can now get your very first T-Shirt from your good old buddy J-Mi...
Posted by j-mil on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 08:27:00 PST

Halloween is coming and I've got the Horror for you!!!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to get it out there that I've updated jmilillustration.com with tons of new artwork. You need to go and check it out. I also need to put out there that Love Damned Lov...
Posted by j-mil on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:41:00 PST

Ever get something stuck in your head?

It's a series of tubes!
Posted by j-mil on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 03:15:00 PST

Break time

Did you ever have so much stuff you want to accomplish that you just can't figure out what to do next? I have this list of projects/illustrations/comics that keeps getting longer and longer, but it se...
Posted by j-mil on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 09:05:00 PST

Woo hoo! New stuff!

Hey, You! Get into my car! Who Me? Yes you! Wow, that was creepy. But not as creepy as the thought of Jesus watching disdainfully as you masturbate, with Orville Redenbacher, as he eats popcorn. ...
Posted by j-mil on Sat, 27 May 2006 10:32:00 PST

Don't Read This You'll be Bored to Tears, Okay But Don't Say I Didn't Warn You....

Mother fuck. Due to the fact that my sketches look like a hobo rubbed his ass with a piece of paper once I actually figure out what I'm doing with a drawing, I've been looking into options that would ...
Posted by j-mil on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 09:38:00 PST


I need a nickname. I was thinking "slim."
Posted by j-mil on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 04:43:00 PST

First blog motherfuckers!

Okay, so I've finally joined. Hello, for those of you that don't know me (probably most of you) I'm Jmil. I can frequently be seen on my personal website www.jmilillustration.com and within the pages ...
Posted by j-mil on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 02:56:00 PST