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Para meterme el dedo en los ojos, primero tienes que saber dónde tengo los ojos

About Me

My bestest friend Almudena
And my forever beloved beautiful friend Malenka

Well, I've always hated this type of stuff where you have to write about yourself, but I will try to keep up with the aims.
I'm only 22 and haven't had the opportunity to know myself very much, I'm a student who studies English and Hebrew-Arameian careers at University and when the weekend arrives I like to have fun.
I'm very friendly with my friends and they know they can count on me whenever they need me, if they share the same with me.
I'm a normal person with a normal way of life and its own fetishes like sleeping or watching the rain from inside my house while drinking a hot chocolate.
I like friendship and especially from people from abroad, I tend to listen to what other people have to say.
You can never know where the next surprise is waiting for you.
I love English language because it's our way of constructing again the Babel Tower.
Wherever you go and whatever you do, there's always going to be one person that will understand you if you speak in English.
I'm a party animal and when the weekend arrives I like to switch off and dance, chat and have fun all night long. Unluckily this is limited because of the studies, very rarely do I have time to be a party animal anymore.
I like assisting to concerts and watching films on the cinema, going to conferences (specially those who have to do with philologies and language, my favourite ones are the pragmatic ones).
But what I love most of all is going abroad on hollidays, I have a very wide travel schedule and I only hate that I can't fill it more. I love meeting new people, knowing new things, looking at things for the first time, sharing opinions, experiences and adventures. I love comparing and contrasting, it's one of the things I do most often.
I'm always looking for the way out ;-)
Some people say I'm a mirror that reflects whether you show in it. I'm quite nice when I want to to, but I'm fair aswell. And young. And alive, yes, very alive :-)

My Interests

Music, books, photography, studying, friendship, drinking, nightlife and all of its variants.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people from my own country and abroad, especially Germany and the UK because these are the places I visit the most.
I like to meet people from abroad because very often their values and way of life, as their character, is very different of what I'm used to, and it awakens curiosity in me.
What I like the most is to teach slang words in spanish to people who come and study from abroad, because very rarely the meaning fits with the word. Then the person and I have a lot of fun trying to find a relation between the word and its meaning. The same happens the other way round.


The Prodigy, forever.
I also like Amduscia, but more because of the simpathy I feel towards them although their songs, aesthetic and live acts are simply amazing. In Strict Confidence, Hioctan, Scream Silence and Diary of Dreams are also some of my favourites. And when you get to know them, they can't be better!


My favourite movie is "Donnie Darko", I've always loved this film.
It shocked me like few things have done, and no film has been able to do better than that.
"Intacto" is also a good one, a Spanish film with a very good argument. Spanish people tend to have prejudices towards Spanish films - this one is the best I've ever seen!
Of course, "The Cube" is a "must" and "Trainspotting" is also nice although I believe the book is better and of course its second part "Porno".


I don't watch TV very often, I think most of the TV programs are crap and the same old shit over and over again. I would only save The Simpsons... And little more ;-)


My favourite book is "Eleven Minutes" by Paulo Coelho. I also like some pragmatic books such as "The Language Instinct" by Stephen Pinker, "The Catcher in the Rye", "An Inspector calls", of course the classics such as Voltaire (Candide changed my life), Nicolás Maquiavelo, Marquis de Sade, and a long list of etceteras :-)


People who are able to surprise me for good nowadays (this is very rarely to see - so they can't be anything but heroes :-D).

My Blog

Check out this event: DARK ART

Hosted By: Cristina CribbyWhen: Wednesday Nov 15, 2006 at 9:00 PMWhere: Bar 3/4Jesús del Valle 34, 28004Madrid, ESDescription:Cristina Cribby Click Here To View Event...
Posted by CR1BBY on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 05:38:00 PST