Myspace Layouts at / Buddha in brown
Myspace Layouts at / Buddha in brown
I'm interested in Buddhism and everything about it. I'd like to feel the permanent compassion that a Bondisattva feels, but if I never do, I can live with that. I'm interested in learning all I can so I can help other people find the calmness I have, or succeed the calmness I have and become Bondisattva like my teacher.Other than that, I just like to kick back and enjoy life. If you've got any questions feel free to ask. And if you want any advice I give that, too.
Anyone who has interest in meeting me.You have 50% chance of surviving a zombie out break.
Low: You were either to lazy to do anything or tried to do something heroic and killed yourself along with all of the people you were trying to protect.
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Anything with a good beat.
Fight Club, V for Vendetta, The Shawshank Redemption, Hard Candy, American History X, The Butterfly Effect, LOTR, Patton, Apocalypse Now,... Too many to name.
The Boondocks, Venture Bros, Colbert Report--my place to go for news, 'cause it's as factual as FOX and CNN anyway. A lot of stuff.
Halo books 'cause they're fun and easy to get through, Locke in 90 Minutes, The Art of Chinese Cooking, Siddhartha, The Way of Zen, The Power of Now, The Four Agreements, Dhammapada, I Ching, Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, How to See Yourself as You Really Are, Peace is Every Step, How to Solve Our Human Problems, Tao for Ordinary People, The Tao of Pooh, The Te of Piglet, Tao Te Ching, The Platform Sutra, The Diamond Cutter Sutra, The Filial Piety Sutra, The Buddhist Bible, Anything Andy writes, even though it's not a book, persay lol. Stephen King, Elie Wiezel, Alan Watts, Way too many books to name.
I look up to a lot of people, like Andy, my friends, some family members, civil rights activists, the World Honored One, Krishnamurti, etc. Again, too many people to name without "wasting" my time writing it and your time reading it. ; )