........Funny: It was a "thing" with long hair in a DR.SEUSS book playing an acoustic guitar that caught my intrest when I was really young, I had it in mind that I, was going to play guitar!
The problem was, NO guitar. But I was in luck! Coming home from school (6th grade), a couple kids were smashing a cheapie import that I still have today (in parts). POPs helped me put it back together & I was good to go! 'cept I didn't know what to do...
AC/DC Song Books to the rescue!! Easy enough for an 11 year old to deal with, I was on my way.....To being a rather lame "AxMan" for a decade....Anyway, I finally got some real lessons after having dinked around with AC/DC, FASTWAY, BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN, & what few VH riffs I could do as well. Basicly, lots 'an lots of "playing" & "practicing" that finally got me to the point that I sound like I know what I'm doing.
There was some time that I had away from the giutar, & for some reason it seemed to improve my playing-I think.......(?)
Anyways-I really like the BLUES ,too. LOVE METAL...Got a list of influences approching the 100's...Basicly, anybody that's picked up the guitar and done something!..
My "new" trax I used "RAVEN" my new 7string, stock, 22frets, standard bridge. ERNIE BALL Strings: .008F, .012C, .017G, .024p-Eb, .038Bb, .052F, .068C. -Recorded through My GNX4 direct to PC-as is trax.
"Domain Trax'91" was a tape of Me & Me: WARLOCK bass, EXPLORER-6, tape-to-tape-to-tape...
-For " A Lil Root ", I barrowed "FLAME" the black KRAMER Focus 3000 in a few of me pics. (I no longer have her as she went back to her owner) FLOYD ROSE- locked. X2N: Bridge, stock: middle, HotRails: Neck. volume-only, 5-way switch. [SCALLOPED FRETS] STRINGS: ERNIE-BALL: SLINKY custom- .011, .016, .022p, .036, .050, .066. tuned: C F Bb Eb G C. a DIGITECH RP-80 ia handling tone duties for now,I've got a DigitechMetalMaster pedal for future tracks- & what ever amp I can use-