1914 represents a time when the rule and reign of the people in power will end. Today in hiphop we are faced with the same ideal, artistic freedom or total control of money hungry music labels that have no regards for the art. There was a time in hiphop when all artists had an equal chance to have their music heard by the culture. Partying, preserving the culture and teaching the youth were all part of hiphop as a whole.
Today the music industry has successfully benefited from our culture and managed to split the art by labeling and spreading it in separate directions. They have also succeeded in filtering out creativity, freedom of expression and artistic skill.
Luckily, time is coming back around and the era of industry rap is on decline with an exception of a few. For major labels, this is a bad thing. For us trying to preserve the culture, it will be a victory. Only those with true skills will remain.
1914 is more than a group; it is also a movement to bring hiphop to status quo antes...This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!