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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me


My Interests

animal liberation, track bikes, cuddling, snuggling, procrastinating, satisfying my sweet tooth (all of them).

I'd like to meet:

blood in. blood out.


despite my diverse musical taste, I have been told that my musical taste is my worst attribute. Is it because I like a little of most things (no country) and love metal? Or is it everyone else who has the problem by not loving metal?


godfather triology (yes, all three), grosse pointe blank, full metal jacket, high fidelity, princess bride, star wars, and a long list of mobster/gang movies.


Battlestar Galactica. The West Wing. Scrubs.


usually non-fiction.


Few have names and few will every be known. They know who they are and they aren't reading this.

My Blog

my first blog: a tribute to my beard

Since I spent all of January and February focused only on studying for the New York Bar exam. I decided I did not need to waste any time by shaving every (other) day.  This is a tribute to that b...
Posted by ethan on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 05:07:00 PST