Drawing naked robust women, and then having fantasies about licking organic dark chocolate syrup off their bare breasts. Yummy.
Met him, fuckin finally. I still wouldn't mind meeting a nice cheesecake.
Air, Thievery corporation, Wax Poetic, Radiohead lots and lots of Radiohead. Atmoshere I shouln't like however I'm ashamed to say I do. Mos Def, Mos Def, Mos Def. Sole Sides Greatest Bumps has been treating me well and cheesey as it may seem Ediaf Piaf is excellent rainny day music. Oh yeah, my man just introduced me to RJD2, mmmm, yummy. DJ krush is a yes Kruder and Dorfmeister feels real good too.
Amelie, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Willow and I've been digging kung fu these days. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is my favorte new movie. Anchor Man I can't get enough of.
Adult swim only, no exceptions. Well maybe the food network.
I'm ashamed to admit I'm not a reader. I wish I was. The Magic Fish. It was on a cassette tape as a kid.
My Grandma Helen, she's the toughest woman I know. Frank Dice. He's the one who had enough faith in me to bartend, more than I had in myself. I couldn't have asked for a more brilliant human being to show me this job.