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Kevin Welch

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About Me

ALSO CHECK OUT Currently touring behind the new release "Kane Welch Kaplin" with partners Kieran Kane and Fats Kaplin, and Lucas Kane on percussion. Please check the website or for up to date schedule, merchandise, chat board etc. ____________________________________________________________ ______________ Born in Long Beach, California, August 17th, 1955. Traveled his little ass off till he was 7, family settled in Oklahoma. Made it through high school, Midwest City High, and one semester of music school at Central State, Edmond, Oklahoma, joined a bluegrass band, dropped out of school, hit the road. Met John Hadley, real songwriter for Tree International, who also taught art at the University of Oklahoma (OU) in Norman. Hadley was immediately critical of his guitar playing, which made him try harder just to get even. Traveled a honkytonk circuit for 5 years in a van and a truck named Phyllis in a band called New Rodeo and then a band called Blue Rose Cafe. Started thinking there might be another way to live. Met Jennifer Patten, got married, moved to Nashville like Hadley said they should, started writing for Tree International. This is 1978. Wrote for 10 years, got some cuts, started earning a living. Had 3 kids, Dustin, Savannah, and Ada. Jennifer and Kevin split up but still stayed good friends. The 3 kids got to 'still have a Mom-and-a-Dad'. Steve Earle made Guitar Town, and then Steve, Don Schlitz, Mark Germino and some other madmen suggested Kevin get a record deal. Paul Worley went over to Warner Bros. and got Kevin signed. Made 2 records, 'Kevin Welch' in 1990 and 'Western Beat' in 1992. Warner let Kevin do whatever he wanted. Then they let him out of the deal to be nice, and because they had already spent a fortune on him they were never ever ever gonna earn back. Kieran Kane, Harry Stinson, Mike Henderson, Tammy Rogers, and Kevin drank so much vodka one night that they started their own label, Dead Reckoning Records. This was around 1994 or 95. They released 21 records over the next 7 years, toured individually and also together as a collective called A Night Of Reckoning (with Fats Kaplin and Allison Prestwood) through the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Europe, and Canada. They were really really good together, but then they all got tired and went home. Except for Kevin. One evening while shaving in a broken mirror over the dishwasher's sink in the freezing kitchen of a pub somewhere very far from home, he suddenly realized he was humming the tune to "There's No Business Like Show Business." He still didn't stop. 2000, Kevin and Kieran started traveling together with a 2-man show - 2 guitars, 2 voices, and a bottle of Bushmills, or sometimes Jameson. They made a live record in Melbourne, Australia, called '11/12/13' and kept on with it because it was so much fun and actually pretty good, too. They went all over the place. In the years 2000 and 2001 Kevin completed a record with his friends from Denmark, who everybody just calls The Danes. Kevin thinks it's real damn good. 2004, Kevin, Kieran and Fats made a three-man record with no bass or drums, along with a companion record with their friend David Francey, the Scottish/Canadian ass-kicking poet and singer. Toured all over the place some more. By this stage the poor sonofabitch is closing in on 50. At the time of this writing, Kevin resides in a chair in his office at home with a stiff neck, a warm Powerbook and a cold cup of coffee. He lives with his beautiful and talented girlfriend Claudia Scott and they don't have one single pet.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/5/2006
Band Website:
Sounds Like: ....hell on a bad day, not too bad some others....
Record Label: Dead Reckoning Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hi Everybody, just back last night from way down south, leaving today for scotland, ireland, uk....if you've written or something, be patient and I'll get back to, kw
Posted by Kevin Welch on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:46:00 PST

Thai burnout

Posted by Kevin Welch on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 10:45:00 PST


Go to the KaneWelchKaplin myspace page and listen to 3 new tracks......, or just click on it from my top 8. For tour dates, go to or kevinwel...
Posted by Kevin Welch on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 02:25:00 PST

Back in Copenhagen

Hanging around Franks and Dorte's place in Copenhagen. Got in yesterday. Everyone has gone off to work and school and I'm just killing some time. It's raining outside and 11C, so I'm not in the mood f...
Posted by Kevin Welch on Thu, 10 May 2007 05:23:00 PST

Free Condoms? Take this survey!

To everyone who received a very attractive offer for free condoms from me, sorry about that. Bastards hacked my password. You know, that must be a lonesome-ass job. Anyway, we DO have a nice array of ...
Posted by Kevin Welch on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:03:00 PST


Been awhile since I've written, because I've been traveling pretty hard, and it seems like when I'm in the middle of things it feels redundant to write about it too. We've just gotten back from a good...
Posted by Kevin Welch on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 05:08:00 PST

LJD by KWK, Number 4 in 2006

R&R voted KWK's Lost John Dean CD number 4 in all of Americana in 2006. Below is the entire Top 100 List.1 Rosanne Cash Black Cadillac Capitol2 Hank III Straight To Hell Bruc3 Mark Knopfler & Emmylou ...
Posted by Kevin Welch on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 01:23:00 PST

Kane Welch Kaplin cybercast

Watch us on, Studio 330.....Kane Welch Kaplin will be featured on the cybercast video show Studio 330, playing live in the studio, along with Lucas Kane on percussion, Aug.9th. It doesn't seem...
Posted by Kevin Welch on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 07:24:00 PST