biodiversity/quantum physics/spirituality/alternate realities/sustainbly ecoeffective architecture/the arts/whatever dojis up to/cosmolgy and universal-creationism/graffity with soul/anthropology and evolution/the list is divese and long...
buggs bunny- with all this love i feel like im gonna spontaneouly combust~
GOD loves god
i have my own library, literally
ALTRUISTS: Jhon Todd and Nancy Jack Todd (bioneers) NOAH/Jesus/Mohammad/Buddha/Plato/Darwin/Mendel/Ralph Waldo Emerson/Jonathan Livingston Seagull/Tesla/Einstine/David Bohm/Niels Bohr/the cat in the hat/TREES/Grandmother/Spiderman/~Chandra~/~sue~ /Krishnamurti/HIS HOLINESS the Dalia Lama and gives! and of course Tom buddy with the most friends in the world-props yo! "Thanks for making a place for MySpace!"