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His Majesty, The Birthday Boy

The purpose of Solomons house is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things.

About Me

Alas, my true love's spectre is seen in the glass!
Orphic Hymn TO JUNO from the Eleusinian Rites.
I invoke thee!
Royal Juno of majestic mien,
Aerial-form'd, divine, Jove's blessed queen,
Thron'd in the bosom of cærulean air,
The race of mortals is thy constant care.
The cooling gales thy pow'r alone inspires,
Which nourish life, which ev'ry life desires.
Mother of clouds and winds, from thee alone
Producing all things, mortal life is known:
All natures share thy temp'rament divine,
And universal sway alone is thine. 10
With founding blasts of wind, the swelling sea
And rolling rivers roar, when shook by thee.
Come, blessed Goddess, fam'd almighty queen,
With aspect kind, rejoicing and serene.
And what's the good of an escape
If honour find him in the wintry blast?
I am content to live it all again
And yet again, if it be life to pitch
Into the frog-spawn of a blind man's ditch,
A blind man battering blind men;
Or into that most fecund ditch of all,
The folly that man does
Or must suffer, if he woos
A proud woman not kindred of his soul.
-Yeats,Dialogue of Self and soul
young noble deprived of his fortune by the Revolution endureth a series of misadventures as he ventures to regaine his title. He soon realizes that that fame is an empty prospect so he decides to live in the company of a group of hermits who subscribe to the ascetic teachings of spanish mystic known as Juan De Los Locos. After having mastered the arte of swordplay he swears to avenge himself upon the band of bourgois hypocrites who hath brent his castle, taken his wife, disrepected his art collection, and killed his father. His fellow hermits pose as his servants in order to disguise their true purpose, which is to kidnap the son of Robespiere, and flog him bitterly, while he seduces his wife at at a ball held in the honor of the new Revolutionary government. This tawdry affair becomes a symbol of how the newly empowered bourgois behave just as poorly as the recently deposed aristocracy.

Sometimes I amuse myself by writing music, recordings may be found on my other page: ABDIAS DEMARIN'S PERSONAL MUSIC

My band, back in the days when I worked as a musician and songwriter, can be found at the following page. We are planning a few comback shows in New York this summer: FRIENDS OF DOROTHY

What Socrates had to say:
or all good poets, epic as well as lyric, compose their beautiful poems not by art, but because they are inspired and possessed. And as the Corybantian revellers when they dance are not in their right mind, so the lyric poets are not in their right mind when they are composing their beautiful strains: but when falling under the power of music and metre they are inspired and possessed; like Bacchic maidens who draw milk and honey from the rivers when they are under the influence of Dionysus but not when they are in their right mind. And the soul of the lyric poet does the same, as they themselves say; for they tell us that they bring songs from honeyed fountains, culling them out of the gardens and dells of the Muses; they, like the bees, winging their way from flower to flower. And this is true. For the poet is a light and winged and holy thing, and there is no invention in him until he has been inspired and is out of his senses, and the mind is no longer in him: when he has not attained to this state, he is powerless and is unable to utter his oracles.

My Interests

hou mayest observe me: Rooting out heretickes,plundering spanish villages,cheating at card games, frightening peasants into believing Im a wizard through the utilization of the principles of naturale science, bribing government officials, helping convicts to escape, making homemade fireworks, forging great masterpieces, researching probable ways of making fresh water at sea;the best way of reckoning time-way longitude and observing at sea, grinding optick glasses, devising fabrick for a vessel of war, the building of sea forts, moles, inventions for better making and fortifying havens, for clearing sands and to sound at sea, to stay long under water, new cyphers, a compass to werk in carriages and or the hand of a ryder, various uses of Copperras and Salt-petre, behaviour of Gasses, the uses of penduli in the building of clocks, and other virtuous occupations fortuitous for the advancement of learninge.

I'd like to meet:

On First Looking into Chapmans Homer, the actual document left upon Chalrles Cowden Clark's breakfast table, one of Keats first great works which commemorated Keats acceptance into the circle Of Hunt, Clark and Haydon.

Christs Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem-This remarkable painting which took Benjamin Haydon years to finish, contains the likenesses of Keats, Wordsworth,Voltaire, in its shade Shelley and Hunt ardently disputed with Wordsworth and Haydon about the truth of Christianity, what I would give to be present on one of these historical evenings!!!!

The Head of the Horse of Selene's Chariot, subject of a drawing by Haydon, champion of the Elgin MarblesThe WWWitch and the Mage!

Statue of Giordano Bruno, Archimagus, in the Campo Del Fiore where he wast brent at the stake by fools who failed to comprehend his genius. He laughed as he burned.

Creation Ex Nihilo, The tympanum for the National Cathedral by Frederic Hart, one of the greatest contemporary sculptors of all time, on lincoln Road some of his acrylic works can be seen. If you are prejudiced by post-modern criticism, see them for what they are not what you have been told.


Alas, A little fugue played on the ship's organ always betters my spirits. But since the last hurricane, the keys have stuck. Ken the following, methinks this fragment speaks well on the matter, the rest of the booke was eaten by a rat.

Scipio hath ask'd:"What sound do I hear, so magnificent, so sweet, which fills my ears?""That is the music of the spheres," he answered. "The spheres create this music by their own motion as they move. The intervals between the spheres, though they differ in length, are all measured according to a fixed scheme of proportions; this arrangement of proportions produces a harmony of high and low notes. Did you believe that these motions could take place in silence? Rather, nature has ordained that these spheres give forth music, the highest spheres singing high sounds, the lowest singing deep and low sounds. The spheres containing the uppermost stars are the regions where the motions are fastest, and so they give off high sounds; the Moon, on the other hand, lies beneath the others and moves very slowly, and so gives off the lowest note. The ninth sphere, the earth, since it does not move at all, is motionless and silent. But the other eight spheres produce seven notes, each corresponding to one of the notes on the scale. You may wonder why they don't give off eight sounds; this is because two of the spheres move at identical speeds. So the spheres give off seven notes, the number fundamental to all existing things. Some people have imitated these musical effects with their instruments and their voices, giving themselves the possibility of returning to this place. Others have the same chance as well if they devote themselves to heavenly activities while living on earth. You should realize that human ears are constantly filled with this music, but they have made themselves completely deaf to it. No other human sense is as weak as this. A similar thing occurs where the Nile rushes down from a mountain to Catadupa; the noise is so loud that the people living nearby have become completely deaf. That's why this great music of the spheres, created by the whole universe, can't be heard by humans. It is similar to looking into the sun, which is so bright it will blind you entirely."


The one we shall create: to all ye who doubted us, feel free to gawk and wonder. I found Erol Flynn alive on a polynesian atol, the excess plutonium hath recombined his dna, therefore he lives like Methusela's rosicrucian. He swears to do a cameo if I bring him steady provision of diet coke and unwedvirgins.


When I'm too drunk to read, or the wireless breaks down. Alias is quite appropriate.


These werkes I do hold in esteem: Au Rebours(against nature),El Buscon, Rosarium Alchemica,Principia Mathematica, Athanasius Kircher,The Secret Rose, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,Wordsworth's Prelude, everything Borges has written, Amadis Of Gaul, The Faery Queen, and other ponderous tomes to relieve my waery hours at sea.




My Blog

An ecstatic approach to the contemplation of natural objects.

The two paintings in this series were fulfilled with the following in mind; they represent not so much the objects they reflect as the artist's subjective state. Most appropriately this subjective sta...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

Home is where the garden is

Home is where the garden is.For all my good friends who have been steadfast in their loyalty yet have heard little from me in person, I pen this short blog to address matters of import regarding my we...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:19:00 PST

The Hieratics of Hypnogogy

THE HIERATICS OF HYPNOGOGYVex not thou the poet's mindWith thy shallow wit.Vex not thou the poet's mindFor thou canst not fathom it.-Tennyson, JuvenaliaHarried halls of Minos,Burnt by the Dorian's bar...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:32:00 PST

Insulting the Gods of the Hearth

This essay proposes to address a mode of speaking regarding the institution of marriage, the dangers inherent in indulging in humor that disparages the state as a whole. And to prove, that rather than...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:31:00 PST

PHOTO ESSAY: Ghosthunting in the Hotel Cologne

(warning, may take some time to load if your connection is slow!)After a week of unpleasantries that ranged from High drama to Cuban Drama, Cynthia and I decided to take a breather and indulge in our...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 01:15:00 PST

Moon and Morrow, Mickle Sorrow

Moon and Morrow, Mickle Sorrow In lieu of the lunar eclipse, and the fyres which surround Athens.Haughty touchless moon,Thy face battle bruised by the smokesOf Burning Hellas,Moon and Morrow, Mickle s...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:45:00 PST

Miami Appaling Apathy Towards the Less Fortunate

Miami's Appalling Apathy Towards the Less FortunateIn the wake of Fidel Castro's death, one cannot help but reflect upon the extremes of political injustice that have been a blot upon the global reput...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 09:12:00 PST


Hiram MacIntyre is joke! A literary parody of the bildungsroman and the psychological novel, mocking the self indulgent sadness of the psuedointellectual, burdened by his own mediocrity. At times it t...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 01:09:00 PST

Morphogenetic Attractors, Iteration and Vestigial Forms

Morphogenetic Attractors, Iteration and Vestigial Forms My fascination with the underlying rules of thought and their expression via the Joycean narrative, particularly regarding its failed and quixot...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:33:00 PST

Derrida and I: A reconciliation with the Other

Derrida and I: A Reconciliation with the OtherThe purpose of this essay, in short, is to address the disparaging remarks I have often made on my page regarding work of Jacques Derrida, to explain my m...
Posted by His Majesty, The Birthday Boy on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:00:00 PST