hou mayest observe me: Rooting out heretickes,plundering spanish villages,cheating at card games, frightening peasants into believing Im a wizard through the utilization of the principles of naturale science, bribing government officials, helping convicts to escape, making homemade fireworks, forging great masterpieces, researching probable ways of making fresh water at sea;the best way of reckoning time-way longitude and observing at sea, grinding optick glasses, devising fabrick for a vessel of war, the building of sea forts, moles, inventions for better making and fortifying havens, for clearing sands and to sound at sea, to stay long under water, new cyphers, a compass to werk in carriages and or the hand of a ryder, various uses of Copperras and Salt-petre, behaviour of Gasses, the uses of penduli in the building of clocks, and other virtuous occupations fortuitous for the advancement of learninge.
On First Looking into Chapmans Homer, the actual document left upon Chalrles Cowden Clark's breakfast table, one of Keats first great works which commemorated Keats acceptance into the circle Of Hunt, Clark and Haydon.
Christs Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem-This remarkable painting which took Benjamin Haydon years to finish, contains the likenesses of Keats, Wordsworth,Voltaire, in its shade Shelley and Hunt ardently disputed with Wordsworth and Haydon about the truth of Christianity, what I would give to be present on one of these historical evenings!!!!
The Head of the Horse of Selene's Chariot, subject of a drawing by Haydon, champion of the Elgin MarblesThe WWWitch and the Mage!
Statue of Giordano Bruno, Archimagus, in the Campo Del Fiore where he wast brent at the stake by fools who failed to comprehend his genius. He laughed as he burned.
Creation Ex Nihilo, The tympanum for the National Cathedral by Frederic Hart, one of the greatest contemporary sculptors of all time, on lincoln Road some of his acrylic works can be seen. If you are prejudiced by post-modern criticism, see them for what they are not what you have been told.
Alas, A little fugue played on the ship's organ always betters my spirits. But since the last hurricane, the keys have stuck. Ken the following, methinks this fragment speaks well on the matter, the rest of the booke was eaten by a rat.
Scipio hath ask'd:"What sound do I hear, so magnificent, so sweet, which fills my ears?""That is the music of the spheres," he answered. "The spheres create this music by their own motion as they move. The intervals between the spheres, though they differ in length, are all measured according to a fixed scheme of proportions; this arrangement of proportions produces a harmony of high and low notes. Did you believe that these motions could take place in silence? Rather, nature has ordained that these spheres give forth music, the highest spheres singing high sounds, the lowest singing deep and low sounds. The spheres containing the uppermost stars are the regions where the motions are fastest, and so they give off high sounds; the Moon, on the other hand, lies beneath the others and moves very slowly, and so gives off the lowest note. The ninth sphere, the earth, since it does not move at all, is motionless and silent. But the other eight spheres produce seven notes, each corresponding to one of the notes on the scale. You may wonder why they don't give off eight sounds; this is because two of the spheres move at identical speeds. So the spheres give off seven notes, the number fundamental to all existing things. Some people have imitated these musical effects with their instruments and their voices, giving themselves the possibility of returning to this place. Others have the same chance as well if they devote themselves to heavenly activities while living on earth. You should realize that human ears are constantly filled with this music, but they have made themselves completely deaf to it. No other human sense is as weak as this. A similar thing occurs where the Nile rushes down from a mountain to Catadupa; the noise is so loud that the people living nearby have become completely deaf. That's why this great music of the spheres, created by the whole universe, can't be heard by humans. It is similar to looking into the sun, which is so bright it will blind you entirely."
The one we shall create: to all ye who doubted us, feel free to gawk and wonder. I found Erol Flynn alive on a polynesian atol, the excess plutonium hath recombined his dna, therefore he lives like Methusela's rosicrucian. He swears to do a cameo if I bring him steady provision of diet coke and unwedvirgins.
When I'm too drunk to read, or the wireless breaks down. Alias is quite appropriate.
These werkes I do hold in esteem: Au Rebours(against nature),El Buscon, Rosarium Alchemica,Principia Mathematica, Athanasius Kircher,The Secret Rose, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,Wordsworth's Prelude, everything Borges has written, Amadis Of Gaul, The Faery Queen, and other ponderous tomes to relieve my waery hours at sea.