Beautiful Nicolla profile picture

Beautiful Nicolla

Save room for my love .... or is that just for the birds ??

About Me

Not your average girl -
You will NEVER meet another like me.
I was born in Atlanta, Ga - I guess I can say that "home" is in beautiful Miami Beach, Florida (since 1999). Im in Los Angeles & NYC alot too though (mostly with work) - so those are my second homes. I'm well traveled & worldly. If you don't know me personally, I can seem very standoffish even prissy. I mean no harm it's just how I was built. I mean there are two sides to every story .... part of me is very tom-boyish - I love to fight guys (maybe cuz you guys are FREAKS from another planet .. I usually just throw rock at boys)... But really, I think it's a power issue (lol:)) -I meant play fighting ... we'll kinda - hahahah)
1) I am an existentialist and nomad
2) (most importantly) I am COMPLETELY anal about having SOLID communication & understanding - it seems like such a fundamental element of our humaness ... so step ya game up when you "show up" (in any way: verbally or non) say something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Individuals having no ability to effectivly communicate are VERY CHILDISH and immaturity will NOT be tolerated! (yes, I am serious ... if the shoe fits wear it!)

Contrary to your belief (if you've read this far) I am an optimist (never a pessimist) - I do believe in miracles and dreams comming true. I am always looking to give a miracle, since universal law says that one has a better chance of making it's way back to me that way!
My astrological sign is Cancer and I fit the mold for the most part (no, I'm not Cleo-the psychic, but some descriptions about star signs I have found compelling & accurate) I have a very good heart and an naturally a nurturer. If you do right by me I will be your loyal friend forever. If you don't ... well ask my ex (lol:)) oops - you can't he's dead (wink*) Loyatly means alot to me. I have very few friends, but the ones that are I'd do anything for them. I Hate DECEIVERS AND LIARS - yes, I hate people with bad intentions .... life's too short for mischevious plots ...
I'm pretty convoluted, so don't try to box me in (it ain't goin' down like that - lol)) I am very spontaneous and persons too anal would NOT work well with me. I mean I enjoy planning & I'm very organized, but there MUST be a fair amount of flexibility -which allows for me to be myself.
I love the beach and water - which is what attracted me first to S. Florida. I lOVE working out @ my gym ... keeping my sexy body fit and trim, I love rollerskating, reading (mostly self-help and non-fiction) - it expands my mind and helps me to think more clearly, I love horseback riding, beach-bumming/sun-tanning, occassionally romantic comedies ... when I'm suffering with insomnia or boredom (which is extremely rare): Law & Order SVU. But really I dont watch too much TV since that to me in general just seems to be a COMPLETE waste of time. TELEVISION IS THE DEVIL !!!!!
I LOVE music (all genre), I love Bob Marley, Eryka Badu and baby-makin' music makers ... I love warm weather ... I hate talking on the phone ... ooooh-weeee of course I love my someone special (smile).
My favorite drinks are: Water and Thai-tea ! I like fishing (I'm pretty good at it too - a natural).
I enjoy surrounding myself with a group of culturally diverse people. I've spent some time in 9 different countries ( not provinces or territories) in the past 4 years. I enjoy learning new things (even though the lessons tend to test my patience to it's very core - uggggg)
I'm a real history buff (American & general World)! Know quite a bit about human physiology too .... I love giving massages if I RILLY_RILLY like you (hehe) - and trust me they are the BOMB !!! I've been blessed with a a great pair of hands, though I hate getting manicures - so forgive me in advance for ugly nails( the only time that I really take care of them is when I have a photoshoot comming up - YUCK, right?? I know - I know .... I need to do better! :))
I'M NOT DONE with this little bio ... hell, I can go on and on cause I be havin' stuff to say, shoo-oot ...(hehe)... BUT YOU CAN GET TO KNOW ME BETTER @ MY WEBSITE ( I have a blog/forum there too): WWW.NICOLLA.COM from time to time I'm online here @ myspace, but don't chit-chat too much - ....................................

My Interests

Too many interest to name - visit my website :

I'd like to meet:

I'm here to meet/network with genuine artist of all sorts & basically anyone with genuine interest in me :0)


CLASSICAL MUSIC: Chopin - Nocturnes (favorite)
BLUES TUNES: Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, Etta James, soooo many more)
CLASSIC JAZZ : Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, .... )
HIPHOP, NEO-SOUL, R&B,& FUNK : John Legend, Common, The Roots, Prince, Music Soulchild, Kem, Stevie Wonder, Donell Jones, Maxwell, Anthony Hamilton, early Mary J Blige, Jill Scott, Van Hunt, Erica Badu, Eric Benet, Tamia, Vivian Green, Maxwell, Lauren Hill, early Janet Jackson, Tevin Campbell, Glen Jones .... Missy Elliott; Snoop; Rakim; Dr. Dre; Pharrell Williams; Diddy's old stuff )
ROCK: Dave Matthews Band, Pink Floyd, John Mayer, U2, old Aerosmith, Coldplay, Maroon 5, Evanesance, Prince ...

The Beatles or Elvis - sorry!


Lost in Translation, Phantom of The Opera, Ray - The Ray Charles Story, New Jack City (hehe), Matrix 1 (two sucked), Oceans 11 (hated 12), Sunset Blvd (Gloria Swanson).
I also like gangstar oldies. Anything with: Belafonte, Valentino, D. Dandrige, E. Kitt, Hepburn, M. Monroe - I'm an old timer really (lol) Silent Films also crack me up !!!


Don't watch it really watch much television- buuuuut ... when I'm suffering with insomnia: FOX News, Law & Order SVU (Mariska Hargitay, Christopher Maloni & Ice-T || VH1 Soul, Discovery Health or any Discovery Channel


BOOKS: The Holy Bible (good stuff inthere) ... A Course in Miracles ... anything Paulo Coehlo, Deepak, Maya Angelou (when I'm in the mood) ... avid reader - anythign relating to World History .... not too big on fiction (my life has enough fantasy in it - LMAO) .. this list is endless !!! ...
I also LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS - MOSTLY ones of fit .. nude & scantily clad woman Women: Helmut Newton, Ellen Von Unwerth, Bruno Bisang, Marc Baptiste, David Lachapelle, Petter Hegre, Wolfgang .... gimmmie some time on this one


MY HERO: I am my own hero - yes, I understand myself quite well!
I don't know everything, however I DO posess knowledge, wisdom, and experiences far exceeding my time in this body.I was Joan of Arc in one of my previous lives (or a woman just as great!) & I've lived many lives before this one - ....
Some noteable folks that I have MAD respect for though: (OLDIES): Jesus Christ (I am TRULY non-religious)Albert Einstien, Chopin, Michael Angelo, William Shakespeare, Friedrich Nietzsche, (NEWBIES): Pope Jean Paul II, Mother Theresa, there are a few more .... gimmie some time to think this one over ..

My Blog


I have 62 pages of friend request. Mostly from guys that I'd be afraid of under normal circumstances.  I delete these freaks and they keep coming back requesting adds.  Huh?  Many even have the nerve ...
Posted by Beautiful Nicolla on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 09:13:00 PST

Keepin it real ..

Sometimes keepin' it real is NOT the way to go .... Okay, I did join myspace to network with other artists, producers, directors, entrepreneurs, writers, models, get votes for online contests... etc. ...
Posted by Beautiful Nicolla on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:05:00 PST