JJ Crash thats me a punk still wannabe who ran away from the land of the free. Chris the lips a dreamer, pub lifer and harmonica extrordinaire. The Disasters newtown hostages and musical dreamers who went on a lovely journey with the Pixies before they met JJ Crash.The Jam, Clash the Specials staple growing up food with Crass, Dead Kennedy's and the TVPs (Dan Treacy what a genius) then antifolk HA! whats that then?
Moldy Peaches n Jeff Lewis and all the stuff theyre into. Here n now Milk Kan David Cronenberg's Wife, Filthy Pedro, Spinmaster Plantpot, Larry Pickleman, Mertle, Lucy Joplin, the amazing Jinx Lennon, Steve White, Thee Intolerable Kidd, Paul Hawkins & Thee Awkward Silences, Naomi Hates Humans, Stuart James, Blah Blah Blah and The Bobby McGees to name a few. Yes its a scene we love and hate eachother and do it alot ..there's a real world outside cyberspace!
Thanks for lookin and listning - I hope you enjoyed it