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May Chass live on through us/me....

About Me

I have deleted everything written previously. my goals and perspectives for life have changed! I will write a new bio when I figure myself out!
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My Interests

I/O Psychology and anything pertaining to it. Music/piano, swing dancing, ballet (though I've never done it/but I will someday!), photography, reading, landsapce and interior design. Understanding People & myself.

I'd like to meet:

Mahatma Gandhi(in the next life), Stephen Covey(actaully I want to work for him), Bruce C Hafen, Thomas Jefferson, C.S. Lewis.



If you can't dance to it what is the point? I enjoy anything upbeat that isn't obscene. I like stuff from the Big Band era all the way to present.


(Anything that makes you think and leaves you a better humane being.)Ghandi (if you want to make an imapct on the world this is a must see),Empire fo the Sun, (A good thinker)Inserection (A great depiction of an Utopian Society)Waking Ned Divine (Down to earth British Humor)


Honetly I think TV will be the down fall of the modern world! If everyone would read a good book or magazine or go out and do something rather then veg in front of this mind trap the world would be changed over night!


I have way to many to list! I am to lazy to do it now!


JESUS CHRIST, Those that know him know why and those that don't must at least admit that his teachings would bring both inner and world peace if followed. . . . . . . TYLER M., The guy is an amazing example of dicipline, compassion and humilty. He has the purest motives of anyone I have ever known and he is an amazing example of what it means to be a "Man". . . . . . .... My Father: As much as I critisize him he is one of the best men I know.Bruce and Ryan: Wisdom way beyond their years.

My Blog

Need a laugh?

Well I thought I would post me stupidity as a blog so I could share a few laughs with the world... I was at Laura's house yesterday having lunch when I realized I couldn't find my keys. And of corse w...
Posted by Nate on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:52:00 PST

Washington DC (Application Essay)

I submitted my application for a week long conference in Washington DC! I was required to submit an essay and thought I would post it. It sums up my feelings about government and liberty!   "Libe...
Posted by Nate on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:36:00 PST

I Missed My Plane!!!

First I will say this, "Be careful what you pray for because Heavenly Father does hear and answers prayers but it might not be the in way you were expecting" Now let me explain. This week I have been ...
Posted by Nate on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 02:49:00 PST

The "Date"...

Well the informal date turned out not to be a date at all. I showed up at the Church building and no one was there. After walking around getting stares from those cleaning up the Reception that had j...
Posted by Nate on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 06:59:00 PST

My "Vacation" Thus far!

Everone has been asking me how my time here is WA has been so I decided to wirte my first Blog to give you guys the update. At about 7:30 Conner comes into my room and wakes me if I am awakes. I then ...
Posted by Nate on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:53:00 PST