Michael Diamond,Dave Chappelle ,Adam Yauch, Adam Horovitz, Steven Wright , Stephen Lynch, Mos Def, Kevin Smith, Any of these....
My Ipod is scrambled with music from the Beastie Boys, Tribe called Quest, De La, to The Doors, Zeppelin, Hendrix and DMB and everything in between.
Top Gun, Bull Durham,For Love of the game. Clerks (well any of the "Jay and Bob" films), Godfather's 1-2
Entorage is the best show EVER! The Soprano's, Comedy Central Presents/Premium Blend and Sportscenter.
Robert B Parker's "Spenser 4 hire" series, Favorite is "No One here get's out alive" Jim Morrison Bio.
I hate hero's at NY deli's...too much meat on the sandwich. It's like a cow with a cracker on either side-MH