theres a way if you’d just believe that theres a way |
I wrote a song a few years ago called "Stay Around". I hardly ever play it anymore, though I believe that it's probably the most powerful song that I've written thus far.I've had a few people ask me w... Posted by Will Stroud on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:17:00 PST |
A Few More Song Lyrics |
Suspect Fled The Scene (I'm Sorry!)There's too much to take inI hope I'm MistakenHe cries out:"What could I have done to get this?What can you do now to mend this?"She cries out, "I'm sorry!""It just ... Posted by Will Stroud on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 07:43:00 PST |
Sand |
I read about someone that got lost in the desert during World War II when his plane got shot down. He watched every single one of his men die yet he pushed on...Over every dune could be ocean, but you... Posted by Will Stroud on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:41:00 PST |
The Mixtape Of My Life. |
Today has been a very emotional day for me. With the New Year coming in I was thinking about the past. How Ive changed, and how those around me have too. I used to be this little boy that was too afr... Posted by Will Stroud on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:28:00 PST |
Yet Again Some Lyrics |
I changed it a little bit and changed the music (which doesn't really matter to you because you never heard the first tune). But in no way am I ready to say that it is finished.... Oh if you have any ... Posted by Will Stroud on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:58:00 PST |
Someday well burn this city down |
The past few days Ive had a very strong desire to run away. To just leave and start something new, and on my own, away from the presuppositions that everybody has of me. Yet here I stay; at least for... Posted by Will Stroud on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 12:38:00 PST |
Depression is an infectious disease. |
The more you are down on yourself worse you become.
The more you convince yourself that the negative has taken over the greater part of your life, the more it really does.
Yes, if I could turn back ... Posted by Will Stroud on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 09:50:00 PST |
New lyric |
I just wrote this a couple seconds ago and Im not sure if I will end up changing it later or not.
This is where you fall or learn to fly
This is where you live or learn to die
This is what I hop... Posted by Will Stroud on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 12:46:00 PST |
A Few Poems |
Its the end of the world
There's no hope for us now
As we scream and we shout
But theres no pulling out
Can we accept our defeat
As we slowly deplete?
Or will we fight to the end?
... Posted by Will Stroud on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:23:00 PST |
Lyrics |
Until It Is Taken Away
You only think that you know me
Thats how I wish it could stay
You only think that you have it
Until it is taken away
I never wanted to hurt you
What did you think tha... Posted by Will Stroud on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:18:00 PST |