Musicals:: Guitar:: Piano:: Having Fun:: Running a Muck (or any form of hanging out with Zachariah Storie):: Overtone:: Feature Films For Families:: The BSIDES Boys:: Balderdash:: Art:: Flappys:: Music:: El Salvadorians:: Love:: Wisdom:: Laughing:: Servanthood:: Tussy Mussies:: And much, much more...
Why, Mr. Darcy, of course...
MAE, Shawn McDonald, Switchfoot, midAmerica, BSIDES, Jim Croche, LA Symphony, MuteMath, Discover America, Up From Under, Cody Dunbar, United Live, First Parable, Tucker AKA Masta T, Coldplay, Johny Cash, CCR, Carole King, Copeland, Anberlin, Postal Service, Corban Eldra, Death Cab for Cutie, Garden State Sound Track, Will Stroud, David Crowder, Dangerous Insects, Something Corporate, no title, Ace Trouble Shooter, Jimmy Eat World, Kunek, Keane, Discover Awillica, Chromeo, Polar Boy, Willie Nelson, Seven Day Jesus, Zach's Mellow Yellow "mixtape" and Zachariah's Mixtape of Love :)...I don't know...lots of stuff.
Feature Films For Families...What else is there??
Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, The Sky Is Falling, The Hiding Place, The Bible, You Don't Know Me, The Pelican Brief, ummm also pretty much any cheesy, teen, romance novel, those are always entertaining.....I love to read!!
The Ten Boom family, Jim and Elisabeth Elliot and the whole Ecuador crew, Jesus Cristo, Paul, missionaries, and many more