Firefighting is by far the main thing in my life. It means more to me then anything else. But after that comes lots! Civil War History. I get real riled up over this stuff! Wow it's neat! I am an animal lover. Cats Dogs Horses Cattle you name it, but my favorite animal is a cat. I love playing video games. I don't need any of those high tech systems that are so popular. I'm just as happy with my N64! It's got that classic feel! I play online games alot. Yep I'm an online gamer! Diablo is my favorite. I also make model airplanes and cars. They are scattered all around my room with tools and different kits. It's a big hobbie of mine...
Hulk Hogan, Jake" the snake" Roberts, John Curtis Caldwell.
adopt your own virtual pet!
I like that classic rock, you know. Some Skinard and AC/DC...but I also love light things like raggee and soft rock....I know how to take it down if you know what I mean ladies ;)
Star Wars! but only the original three..not those new ones with those newfangled special affects...I thought they were terrible! Top Gun, Speed 1,2,3, you know the tipical "action" flicks.
Welp, I must say I like watching wrestling alot. It is tons of fun to watch on TBS and other channels. I watch alot of the history channel. THere are some great programs on there!
I really enjoy the text of Harry Potter. I am a long-lived supporter of JK Rowlings Books and movies. Catcher of the Rye. To Kill Mockingbirds. These were my two favs. (you like that abreviation ;) ) in high school. I also really like Civil War fasinates me! You'll always find me reading some historical novel.
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