ROSE BERLIN GARCIA is sixteen years old and has a voice and attitude to die for. Whilst most girls her age might be looking to sell their mothers on e-bay for a slot on Fame Idol (or whatever its called) she has another mission entirely to one day possess that cool, bad ass I dont give a shit attitude of Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs or Brody from the Distillers. This is mere teenage envy naturally cos if youve heard any of Rose Berlins music at all youll know by now that that she is well on her way to something else entirely her own identity.Another generation gets fat on its own creative ennui and Rose Berlin says - even though her favourite bands are the Strokes and Bloc Party and Arctic Monkeys and Hard Fi - Ive always wanted to be myself with my music and become my own artist and it somehow sounds refreshing. She also says that its great to see women rocking out and that in five years time shed like to believe she might be on a tour bus with a drink in one hand and a lipstick in the other, laughing my ass off while putting makeup on my gorgeous male guitarist and dressing him in drag and my phones full of texts from my friends and family and its four oclock in the morning and were driving to god knows where to play a gig and feeling amazing.The four tracks you may have heard all Wannadies pop frenzy and crunchy guitar cool - demonstrate that this is no far-off fancy. Let It Go belies Rose Berlins age and experience and concerns, ahem, the art of letting go and trying not to be so uptight about everything; U and I Forever is Rose Berlin saying shell be there to look after a guy after hes been fucked over (again) by his other girlfriends; Coraline is based on Neil Gaimans comic book stories about a little girl who gets stuck in a parallel universe behind a mirror and the little girls feelings towards the other mother who is keeping her in there (and the song is due out itself this summer on a US compilation on Dancing Ferret Records); and Without You is about running away with someone so you can be together forever.Rose Berlin maintains that if she had to choose between guitars and beats then guitars would win over every time cos if they are played well they can sound amazing and be used to create any mood you could ever feel. She also says that music has such an effect on her that a simple guitar line can be enough to make her cry. Which is something you are never gonna hear on Fame Idol. Or whatever its called.
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