SPC ECO was formed when Dean Garcia was introduced to Joey Levenson by way of a myspace message sent by Joey in May 2007. They began forging sonic soundscapes and were soon joined by Rose Berlin on vocals. Harry K G, Debbie Smith (Live guitars) and Monti Drums) are now very much on the firm for all things live SPC ECO.The band are currently playing selective live shows and are recording for an album release.
present a new myspace page for SPC ECO REMIXES The track available for remix is Telling You. All sound stems are available to download now. Tim Holmes from Death In Vegas has just remixed the track for us which is featured on the player..enjoy !!
You're Alright is the debut single, b/w Another Day. Released Jan 14th 2008 on a limited edition 7" white vinyl via AC30 Both tracks are available now on iTunes.
To buy the 7" vinyl single please go here SPC ECO VINYL
Rose Berlin (Words and Vocals) Rose has been singing and writing words since she was 4 years old and has been graced with the voice of a distorted angel that has the ability to melt hearts and minds.
Dean Garcia (Bass) Bassist, guitarist, programmer, producer and collector of sonic things is well known for his wall of noise production soundscapes, dub laden fluid bass lines and mind bending goodie bags of filth. As Dean sits thoughtfully in his big chair he informs us he is very happy to introduce you to this spaced out hybrid of nu gaze tripadelica :)
Joey Levenson (Guitar) So Young's noisemaker. An avid collector of all things FX pedal. A multitude of guitar crunching tone bending distortions are the tools that enhance and aid Joey with his exceptional, unique and original approach to the guitar and the possibilities of sound within.
Harry K G (Live Guitar) Along with being a mathmatical genius, film enthusiast, photography arts and media guru Harry is an amazing naturally talented musician. Show Harry a guitar part once and it will never be forgotten.
Debbie Smith (Live Guitar) The it girl of cool. A performer extrordinare. Debbie Smith (as you know) has graced the stage across the globe many times over with her mesmerizing performances and guitar flexing heroics, unhinged and perfectly formed no band should ever leave home without her.
Monti (Drums) Monti is quite simply the best drummer in the world. A super power of all things beat. An original funkateer. Monti is a master of groove fueled hard beat mania and has the uncanny ability to bend and time warp any sequenced loop around to his way of thinking...or else